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Anatomy helps...college level

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I like this for my review:




It has the structure, and a view-through sheet you flip over and that is labeled.


Oh, and one of the tricks I had for memorizing was to learn the roots of the words. It helped cement them. I'll look around and see if I can find the old mnemonic book, but it has a little raciness here and there.

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http://www.purposegames.com/games has a bunch of anatomy labeling games/quizzes. They were helpful in nursing school, and I wish I'd known about them when I was taking anatomy (by far my hardest pre-nursing class - memorizing isn't my thing).


(The have lots of non-anatomy stuff too, and I'm glad you brought it to mind, because I need to re-bookmark it for geography and so forth.)

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Thanks for sharing these resources.:)


Kalanamak, dd15 is doing Apologia's anat and phys course, but would like something a little deeper. Could you recommend something?


I haven't really looked at those resources. Personally, I'd go to Amazon, read the reviews of the college-level texts (not med school level texts), and take a peek inside to see if it is appealing in layout, and get an older, used edition (these texts tend to be $$$). If you go to Amazon books and put in anatomy and physiology, a whole slew of college texts appear. I also saw some flash cards, and that can be an effective way to drill in rote details.


If she would do the coloring books, the grown-up ones are very detailed. I will look for the book I read on animal physiology when I was in my teens. It only covered a few subjects, but it gave a very good grounding in thinking about physiology (countercurrent mechanisms really caught my eye, but the bird pulmonary physiology was very interesting as well). Also, as a teen, I got a copy of Robbin's Pathological Basis of Disease and, with a Dorland's Medical Dictionary in hand, just started reading my way through it. (These were my brother's books.) While it didn't fit a neat "course", it was very enthralling and slowly made me feel I could engulf this huge body of knowledge, eventually, which was confidence building. As I recall, Robbins was very outline-able, and it was about DISease, which is what I was interested in as the end goal, IYKWIM.


What is her goal?

I'll look around.


Okay. If she has had chemistry, this is a classic book, short, dense, basic, and full of diagrams, but she'll need to have had chemistry. The cheapy used version is fine.


This book is raw physiology, but the two following, while full of facts, are good ones for introducing the field and practicality of it in general. I read both with glee, and re-read Cope's yearly.


Here is the animal physiology book that got me all started:




The countercurrent mech he talks about is how birds keep their feet oxygenated but not frozen in the winter, which is a simple intro via a thermal countercurrent mech to the much more complex chemical countercurrent mech of the kidney.


Another beautifully written, short classic that can be chewed through with a dictionary (just google the word) to get a flavor for how anatomy and physiology is USED is:




Again, a cheap old book would be fine. (Actually, I'd get an old one. She doesn't need to know the use of MR-angiograms in the acute abdomen, but the older one would have more of the language of the original author, which is the magic in the book.)


The older book The Making of a Surgeon is good, quick reading, and I also like the entirely ignored Battles of Life and Death. I reviewed it on Amazon and it has a horrible title, but the stories are very real-to-life without being made up or blown up. (I know there is a huge following for Oliver Sacks, for instance, but I went to the school he was fired from for writing fiction and claiming it was fact.)


Is she ready to "do" the fetal pig? There are excellent guides for it, and I loved it. I loved "fresh" animals more, but I was in rural Kansas and could get at them fairly easily (I dissected a stillborn calf once).

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Thank you, kalanamak. We will follow your suggestions. :)


She wants to go to medical school. She's 15 (16 next month), and is doing Chem II, anat and phys, and Phys I right now, along with calculus, so I think she has the brain power to do med school. She certainly has the interest. We would always welcome any suggestions from you about preparing for medical studies or anything along those lines. Thanks again. :)

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