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6th Grade Mini-Office resources?


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I have searched the web with little success...

I am trying to make a 6th grade mini-office which, hopefully, would include:

math formulas, order of operations, books of the Bible, Periodic Table of Elements, writing helps, etc.

Has anyone done this?

If so, would you kindly supply links to posters or printouts please?

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This sounds interesting. Would you describe a mini-office in more detail? How are you arranging the information?


I am picturing a notebook w/dividers for subjects - like an encyclopedia, maybe?


A mini-office, at least the ones I've seen, are file folders stuck together, so that a child can set them up in front of their workspace and not see other, perhaps distracting, children. :) They're also handy to keep reference info, like bnbacademy is looking for, in front of the eyes of the student so they don't have to ask all the time.


I should really do this for my kids again. I had them when they were in 1st grade, and it was great. There are some things specifically for my older girl that would really help us, I think.


Here is a link where you can see some.

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A mini-office, at least the ones I've seen, are file folders stuck together, so that a child can set them up in front of their workspace and not see other, perhaps distracting, children. :) They're also handy to keep reference info, like bnbacademy is looking for, in front of the eyes of the student so they don't have to ask all the time.


I should really do this for my kids again. I had them when they were in 1st grade, and it was great. There are some things specifically for my older girl that would really help us, I think.


Here is a link where you can see some.



Yes, this is what I am making. However, there are several helpful printables for the early elementary years, not so many for the middle grades.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found this link while starting my mini office too.




Note: We had used a notebook for these things. I decided to go with something more stable than file folders and taller. :D We are using the project display boards (trifold) from the office supply store. http://www.staples.com/Staples-White-Corrugated-Display-Board/product_302919

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  • 3 months later...

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