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probably a stupid question

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My son did SOS Spanish I his freshman year, so I called it Spanish I. This year he is doing SOS Spanish II hence I am calling it Spanish II. Next year he will have Spanish I at CC i the fall and Spanish II at the CC in the spring. Won't that look strange to have the same courses twice??



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I think this is a fairly common practice. We plan to do the same thing with some science and pre-calculus: do a course at home and then repeat at the CC. You could do a couple things:


1. Take off the Spanish credits from your transcript and let the CC courses stand for his foreign language credits. My DD will be working with Rosetta Stone Spanish up until she starts taking Spanish at the cc but I'm just not including it on her transcript for credit.


2. Call the CC courses something slightly different, like College Spanish I and II or Duel enrolled Spanish I and II. I'll do this for chemistry and biology: our home courses will be Conceptual Chemistry and Conceptual Biology and then the CC courses will be General Chemistry (duel enrolled) and General Biology (duel enrolled).


I'm sure there are also other ways to handle this. I'll be tuning in to find out!



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