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what is a lapbook?


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Here is a link to a site that has a lot of photos of lapbooks that children have done


Some are more advanced than others. Your kids can definitely do them, but it will require a decent amount of involvement on your part.

Basically, a lapbook is a collection of small papers, pictures, flaps, envelopes, etc. that are pasted into a large folder. With my kids, we call them "flapbooks" because that makes more sense to me than lapbooks (I couldn't answer their question "Why is it called a lapbook?" so I changed the name).

This is our first year doing this type of book, and the kids are liking them. Every week, we make a couple of new flaps for whatever topic we are studying. We then put the flaps into a gallon-size ziplock bag. At the end of the quarter, we empty the bag and paste all the flaps into one folder and decorate the cover. So far, we have a Medieval Times flapbook, a Renaissance flapbook, and we're working on a Colonial America flapbook. For the Medieval Times book, we have flaps about knights, castles, important people, and places. For the Renaissance book, we have flaps about explorers, kings, scientists, artists, etc. Some of the flaps have a lot of writing, others are just drawings. My oldest (7) does her own writing, but I do most of the writing for my 5 year (he dictates).

We just make our own topics, but you can also print lapbook templates that have pictures and things for your children to fill out or color (might be better for your kids).

I'm sure other people will have more ideas or links to websites, but I thought I'd share how we use them.

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