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CC: Humph... (hilarious)

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Yesterday morning I was feeling a bit tired before we started our school work, so I said to the girls, "I'm just going to start off with a time of worship, because my cup is empty."


Hannah (4): May I pray for you, Mommy?

Me: Of course.

Hannah: Dear God, please fill Mommy's cup, because it's empty. Amen.


Mary (4): May I pray for you, too, Mommy?

Me: Of course.

Mary: Dear God, please give Mommy energy, so she can teach Sarah her math lesson.


Sarah (6): (Grumbled on the other side of the room) Humph. Well, Lord, I think that prayer is one you do not have to answer.

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:lol: :lol:


Well? Were their prayers answered? Imagine your cup is a bit fuller just hearing their prayers. : )


Yes, I laughed so hard, that when I got up off the floor I said to Sarah, "Come on, let's do Math Drill!" :D :lol: She's a pretty good sport, really. We've been laughing for a day.


The other funny thing she said yesterday was earlier in the morning. I had put two braids in Mary's hair and two braids in Hannah's hair. But when Sarah came to me after her bath, I said, "Honey, I think your hair is too dry for two braids." She threw her arms around my neck and dramatically said, "Oh, Mommy, I'll get through it!" Very dramatically.


And I cracked up laughing. I thought she meant that she'd get through the "crisis" of no braids.


Then she grabbed the brush and started brushing. She said, "See? I'll get through it." She meant that mop of curly hair. :lol: She got her two braids.

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Yes, I laughed so hard, that when I got up off the floor I said to Sarah, "Come on, let's do Math Drill!" :D :lol: She's a pretty good sport, really. We've been laughing for a day.




:lol: She got her two braids.


:lol: No wonder you were worn out -- that's a lot of braids.


(And I just got your name too. :tongue_smilie: )

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:lol: No wonder you were worn out -- that's a lot of braids.


(And I just got your name too. :tongue_smilie: )


I listed the girls' names a few years ago, and realized they all add up to SaHaMa. My husband added the "mama" part.


And, yes, that's a lot of braids. ;) But they look so cute in them!

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