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Christian Convert from Islam going to be executed in Afghanistan

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Here is the link for anyone interested in reading about it or doing anything about it. http://www.capwiz.com/afanet/issues/alert/?alertid=29642506&type=ML


I think the article brings up a good point. We have sent our sons and daughters to that country and many didnt come back alive, not to mention the amount of money spent. And this is the kind of freedom the citizens get?? Something just isnt right about all of this.


It broke my heart to read his smuggled letter. I just can't believe it. Or dont want to believe it. Here is his letter http://www.barnabasfund.org/Said-Musas-handwritten-letter.html


Anyone have a heart for the persecuted church?

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This makes me angry. And sad.


This is why separation of church and state is so important. However, the fact that the first article linked in the OP referred to the United States as a "Christian nation" gives me the impression that the people publicizing this don't see it the same way I do.


:) I see your point. The trouble is the American media is ignoring this story and it's only the Christian churches who seem to be raising awareness of the situation. Most of the people I go to church with do think we're a Christian nation. (I don't agree - at least not when they're speaking politically.)

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Said Musa is a former Muslim who converted to Christ about eight years ago. He has been sentenced to die by the Afghan government for the Islamic crime of apostasy.


A spokesman for the so-called Ministry of Justice said, "The sentence for a convert is death and there is no exception."


Being an apostate in Islam is "worse" than being an infidel (eg: a nonbeliever).


In order, the person who dies first is the apostate, the person who dies second is the infidel.


The Afghani government (under which there is no separation of church and state), would be breaking their own law (Sharia) if they did not kill him.


Peaceful, eh?




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