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OK you Science parents, question for you [Warning: Long]

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I have a niece that is staying with me and homeschooling. Next year she will be in 11th grade. We are doing Classical Conversations, but due to where she is in science and what we have available, she needs a separate Chemistry program.


This niece is finishing up Saxon's Adv Math and is highly intelligent. Her aunt [read me] is not.


I think she should take an honors or AP chem class, and have done some searches her and read a bunch of threads already.


My quesions:


Is there a textbook/curriculum + lab equipment that I can do at home w/o a huge (over $200) outlay of $ and my scant knowledge available?


Some of the online programs are very expensive, while others are less so, why? I don't want to pay all this $ and then have her not pass an AP exam just b/c the program was subpar.


What should I be looking for?


The ChemAdvantage sounded awesome, but really? $1000 and that is not including the lab supplies, textbooks etc?


I am not sure I understand the pricing and what I would be getting from BJU.


Why do I not want Apologia AP chemistry? [FWIW, I am a Christian, who believes in ye creationism]


As I said before, my niece is very smart. [Not just saying that, she is acing all of her classes right now including Henle Latin with no previous Latin experience. I think she views her current science class Exploring Creation with Physical Science as a bit of a joke b/c it is so easy. She always gets 100 on her tests]


I want to do right by her and prepare her for the possibility to pursue a science major in college should she want to. I know she is capable of it.




Thanks for reading this incredibly long-winded post. :D

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Are you in the states? Many states have a virtual school that offers advanced and challenging science courses. In FL we have FLVS that offers all their classes to homeschoolers. It is free and the courses have a teacher and strict accountability.


Another possibility is dual enrollment at a local college. This might be your best bet if you don't have a Virtual School. Dual enrollment is usually free but we had to pay for the textbooks (still a great deal for racking up some college credits).


Another possibility is checking out OpenCourseware. Colleges offer courses free online. We are taking Kitchen Chemistry from MIT and Roman Architecture from Yale this way. There are TONS of science courses you can get this way. It is a fantastic way to get some interesting and challenging High School courses.


Hope this helps! Good luck! :)

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Are you in the states? Many states have a virtual school that offers advanced and challenging science courses. In FL we have FLVS that offers all their classes to homeschoolers. It is free and the courses have a teacher and strict accountability.


Another possibility is dual enrollment at a local college. This might be your best bet if you don't have a Virtual School. Dual enrollment is usually free but we had to pay for the textbooks (still a great deal for racking up some college credits).


Another possibility is checking out OpenCourseware. Colleges offer courses free online. We are taking Kitchen Chemistry from MIT and Roman Architecture from Yale this way. There are TONS of science courses you can get this way. It is a fantastic way to get some interesting and challenging High School courses.


Hope this helps! Good luck! :)


Will have to look into OpenCourseware that could be a possible solution. Thanks

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Physical Science is awfully light in 10th gr is awfully light for someone who wants to go into science. Have you thought about doubling in 11th to let her take an AP level class for 12th? If she hasn't done biology, you could do biology and chemistry. And given what a sharp tack she is (and that she just got done with physical science, a good survey of chem), I would consider doing something that bumps that chemistry up toward AP. She could do the Apologia chem and advanced chem, both in one year. Then her senior year let her do physics with both of the apologia books.


Just a thought.

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Physical Science is awfully light in 10th gr is awfully light for someone who wants to go into science. Have you thought about doubling in 11th to let her take an AP level class for 12th? If she hasn't done biology, you could do biology and chemistry. And given what a sharp tack she is (and that she just got done with physical science, a good survey of chem), I would consider doing something that bumps that chemistry up toward AP. She could do the Apologia chem and advanced chem, both in one year. Then her senior year let her do physics with both of the apologia books.


Just a thought.

:iagree:For a solid, independent, at-home program that doesn't require a lot from the parent, you can't beat Apologia.


I would definitely consider doing both Chem and Adv chem next year (or an outside AP class), and both physics books in 12th grade. It would definitely give her a better challenge as well as a solid grounding for pursuing science in college (My ds did both physics books in one year.) I'd also suggest you consider the Chem SAT II at the end of 11th--a good score would be helpful in college admissions. If she hasn't done Biology, I'd try to fit the Apologia biology book (only the 1st one--you don't need the Adv Bio which is anatomy & physiology) in there somewhere too. You could possibly do it over the summer, or double up, OR.... you might even consider just switching from Physical Science to Bio now, esp if the Physical Science is too easy (to me Physical Science seems like a middle school course.)

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Physical Science is awfully light in 10th gr is awfully light for someone who wants to go into science. Have you thought about doubling in 11th to let her take an AP level class for 12th? If she hasn't done biology, you could do biology and chemistry. And given what a sharp tack she is (and that she just got done with physical science, a good survey of chem), I would consider doing something that bumps that chemistry up toward AP. She could do the Apologia chem and advanced chem, both in one year. Then her senior year let her do physics with both of the apologia books.


Just a thought.


Yes I agree. I think she'd do well to do both Apologia chemistry texts in one year. That, along with an AP prep book, should prepare her well for the AP exam. And then if she does the same with physics in her senior year, she'll have a transcript strong in the sciences. She could do Saxon physics instead of the Apologia if she'd prefer. She's lucky to have such an awesome aunt! :)

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She is doing a science research project along with her class. As for bio, she did that last year.


Thanks for the replies. With the Apologia Chemistry, does she do one text in a semester and then do the next one?


Yes. With Apologia you can complete the full text in one semester by doing a module a week. There are usually 16 modules in each text.

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I think Apologia is a good choice.


I also second, checking out the MIT opencourseware. We've got very science oriented boys and we'll be dipping heavily into their course offerings.


Just be careful with Apologia's first four modules of chemistry. You don't want to rush. Balancing equations, counting significant units, stoichiometry is tricky. You'd be further ahead to school year around so that she can have an extra month or two to complete each book than to shove through those first modules which are foundational to everything one does in chemistry thereafter.



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