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Math - typical or worrisome?


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Sorry for another thread. I've always had difficulties with Becca and math. Right now we're using RS C and CLE 200 (just moved into 206).


She does not find skip counting or mental math very easy. I've noticed that she will frequently switch numbers around or go the wrong way when skip counting. As one example, the other night she wrote out 23-7 but had it equal 24 - so she solved it as if it was 27-3. Other times when she's skip counting, say backwards, she'll go forwards with the tens but get the ones correct.


Is this worrisome or not? Has she not got a solid grasp of place value? Is it something I have done wrong?



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Hi, when you say "RS C" is that RightStart C? And if it is has she worked through any previous levels?


Also the other program is Christian Light materials, yes?





{awk, I see the above answer is yes, per a diff thread}

Edited by Ray
Questions answer different thread
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I would talk to her about her thought process. How is she doing it? For example, the 23-7 could have been "well, 20-0 is 20 and 7-3 is 4 so it's 24". Obviously wrong, but wrong in a specific way - doing the ones column last and without borrowing. A different "wrong way" would be looking at it and actually reading it as 27-3. They are two different errors, and only by understanding her thought process will you understand where she is going wrong.

The good news is that it's pretty normal for kids her age to have these issues. It's probably not something you did or did not do. AND - the process of figuring out where your student went wrong and then correcting it is pretty much what teaching math is all about - so this process is both normal and desired.

Also - If you're not already, I'd make sure manipulatives were available at all times when doing such things, so she can use them if she wants. The need will eventually go away, but let it happen naturally, IMHO>

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Well first off, *I* can't skip count backwards like you're describing, lol. So I definitely wouldn't fret over that. However your mother fur is ruffled, which to me means it's time to start doing some reading. If there's something there, you can figure it out. If there's nothing, you'll be reassured. For your reading, just quickly google some things like dyslexia (or stealth dyslexia), ADD (for the working memory), etc. and see if anything resonates with you. Those things usually have quite a few symptoms, not just one thing, and they affect the person as a whole. She may have other things going on and you'll piece things together. Or she may not have anything else strange, and you'll conclude it's just immaturity or expectations she's not ready for.


Have you done any standardized testing? Seeing a few results out of kilter from the rest can be a clue to problems. She's at a good age to start some testing. Even the CAT would do, though other tests are more detailed.


Have you noticed any difference between when the task is auditory vs. visual? When you do those tasks orally, you're using both the learning style (auditory) and the working memory. So if she's a visual learner, that might be headed for problems right out of the box. There are numerous free online learning styles assessments. There will also be books at your library on it.


I tend to trust the mother gut. If you think something is wrong, something is wrong. To what extent something is wrong, we can't say. Could just be a teaching style or learning modality thing or inappropriate expectations. Could be you're uncovering some weaknesses or issues. Do some reading online and see what sticks to you. My dd was strong enough that it was 5th gr before we finally figured out her problems. We had been seeing signs all along, things my mother gut picked up on, but her strengths made you figure the bizarre things were just her, a personality thing. So definitely trust your gut on this.

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