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How much does US economy affect Canada's economy? nt

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I hesitate to reply. But a missionary from (Far, Far North - like tundra areas) Canada said recently that "Canada is a lot like the 51st state in terms of their intertwined economic relationship with the United States." This missionary said that there are more cows (steer, livestock, beef cattle???) in Texas than in all of Canada. The main point he was trying to make was that Canada is very dependent on the U.S. economy and kind of "as goes the U.S. dollar (down), so goes Canada's economy).


I know that is not a lot of info. But it really made me think about Canada in a whole new way.



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Looking forward to hearing Canadians input, I'm curious about it too.


I don't quite get the point about the cattle in Texas vs Canada, the US has 10x the population of Canada and I believe that Texas is a state with a lot of cattle raising, so it makes sense that they would have more cattle than Canada if they are feeding a larger population (incl cattle that's sold out of state) than Canada.

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The softwood lumber agreement has had an impact in the Canadian forest sector. In fact I think there are a number of policies that have affected the Canadian marketplace.


When our dollar is high (like right now we are at par with the US dollar) our manufacturing sector looses out. My dh lost his job of 21 yrs when the mill in our town shut its door because of the global economic downturn and the apparent inability to remain competitive.


I know I live in an area where power sales are a hot topic. (I live in an area where cheap hydro electricity is produced and has been sold on the market to California, etc.) The topic is hot because the producer of the electricity is also a producer of a commodity. People think its more lucrative for this manufacturer to sell electricity to the US than produce the commodity. The problem is producing electricity only requires a few jobs, manufacturing a lot of jobs.


You may have cows, we have a lot of fresh water. (Okay some of the things I'm saying are really the things I hear being talked about, not necessarily things I have personal knowledge of. . . all though I can confirm, because I live in a rain forest, that we do have a lot of water :)).


However, it has already been stated, our banking system is different than the US. I think this has prevented a widespread melt down.


I think in this day and age every economy is interconnected in by a global marketplace.


That's my disjointed take on things :).

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