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Does anyone not have (or has anyone gotten rid of) a dining room table?

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I've been reading through The Joy of Less (I love it!) I'm truly looking at my living/dining room (it's all one room) and realizing that it's so cluttered even though I just decluttered it last month :banghead:


I'm considering putting our dining room table into our kitchen (it wouldn't be functional as our dining table in there because our kitchen is teeny tiny but it would give me a space to fold laundry or a space for kids to take tests/concentrate.)


The reason I'm thinking of doing this is because 1. I could expand our living room so it doesn't seem so cluttered. 2. We rarely sit down to eat at the dining table. It tends to gather clutter. I would like to eat together but the reality is we do it only when company comes over. We tend to eat in the living room or at the coffee table :leaving:


Has anyone missed not having a dining table?

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I have a coffee table that we wind up doing school work on (in addition to the computer desks). What I would do is move the coffee table and our smaller loveseat into our dining room area. If we did eat dinner together, we could eat at the coffee table (Japanese style) :) I love our dining table (it was my grandmas then my mom's (I grew up with it) and now we have it :) However, our living/dining room is so cluttered because of all the horizontal spaces that collect clutter. I would like to spread it out a little and have more floor space for the kids to play, etc.

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Yes! I would move the dining table into the kitchen. We have a table in the kitchen we use for EVERYTHING. And then a dining table in the dining room we don't use except as a place holder. If I could redo it, I would not have gotten the dining table and instead put bookshelves and cozy reading chairs in the "dining room."

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I am actually in the process of turning our dining room that is NOT in the living room, into a schoolroom/office. The sunroom will become our dining room/eat in kitchen as it is just off the kitchen.


We never eat in the dining room unless we have company anyway!


And we really need the office to turn into a bedroom.



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