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Weight Watchers Online...

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Thank you all so much to those who responded to my "Not feeling good about myself" post last night.


The encouragement has helped a lot!


So, I have looked at things and I am going to try a little here and there. Baby steps.


Now for the WW Online part. How does that work? Can you have "friends"? People that you connect with to help you keep on track?


I have done weight watchers in the past (twice) and lost weight both times (20 the first time almost 10 the second time) I just have never kept up with it because I got tired of driving to meetings which, in turn, left me to languish without accountability :D


Anyway...I definitely need support. I am hoping the online version had this, if not any suggestions as to a good weight loss support ring? I have signed up for SparkPeople but didn't like the menu :tongue_smilie:


Thank you Hive for being here!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am in love with WW online and the new points plus system. It is great. I love having fruit as a free choice. I love the new emphasis on healthy eating instead of just low points. I have fruit, veggies, whole grains, lean meats, nuts, beans, and healthy oils. It has really helped with cravings and I have lost 21 pounds since I started on Jan. 1. I would like to lose about 25 more. I had a really bad virus this month and was not able to excercise that much, but still lost. So this week I am back on the treadclimber. If I can do it you can. I was completely out of control!! Now I can wear some of my old clothes again. Of course I have a long way to go, but at least its in the right direction. I feel so much better about myself.


I haven't set up for the "community" stuff yet. But, if anybody here decides to I will. It would be great to have the support.

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