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Need help with Singapore Manipulatives


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Hello, I am delurking because I could use some assistance in choosing manipulatives for Singapore math. I am new to homeschooling this year. My oldest is in kinder and almost six years old.


We have completed Singapore Earlybird and I am waiting for the 1a standards edition to arrive. Can anyone shed some light on which math manipulatives would be the best to have on hand, at least to start? I have been searching through the board, but there are so many threads and so many suggestions, I am a bit overwhelmed.


In your opinion, what are the tried and true manipulatives/games for the early years, especially in conjunction with Singapore?

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I have a lot of manipulatives, since I tutor math, and what I've used for Singapore from 1A-2B are:


Cuisinaire Rods to visualize number bonds

Base 10 blocks

Poker chips (for base practice, especially past 1000)

A scale and weights

A ruler and a yard/meter stick

Various measuring cups and cylinders-I recently found myself in Home Depot buying a set of various paint buckets because I needed pints, quarts and gallons.

A movable Judy Clock.


And really, that's about it.

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If you get the home instructor's guide, there is a list of manipulatives used in games etc. There is a discussion forum at the Singapore math site. You could ask there and I am certain someone will tell you. The other participants and the mod esp is very helpful. I believe the mod also wrote the home instructor's guides.


that said, I am in year 5 of singapore math and I didn't ever really buy any manipulatives. If we had to count things we used acorns or dried beans or whatever was handy around the house. Oh, I do have some counting bears that a friend gave me. I prob used those in year 1 and 2.


I do have a set of base 10 blocks but I don't remember being directed to use them by the Singapore program. I know we used them quite a bit years ago.

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I have a lot of manipulatives, since I tutor math, and what I've used for Singapore from 1A-2B are:


Cuisinaire Rods to visualize number bonds

Base 10 blocks

Poker chips (for base practice, especially past 1000)

A scale and weights

A ruler and a yard/meter stick

Various measuring cups and cylinders-I recently found myself in Home Depot buying a set of various paint buckets because I needed pints, quarts and gallons.

A movable Judy Clock.


And really, that's about it.


These will be good. If you could only get one manipulative, I'd go with base 10 blocks. I didn't get Cuisinaire rods until I started with Miquon in 2nd grade and I really like them as well.

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I have a lot of manipulatives, since I tutor math, and what I've used for Singapore from 1A-2B are:


Cuisinaire Rods to visualize number bonds

Base 10 blocks

Poker chips (for base practice, especially past 1000)

A scale and weights

A ruler and a yard/meter stick

Various measuring cups and cylinders-I recently found myself in Home Depot buying a set of various paint buckets because I needed pints, quarts and gallons.

A movable Judy Clock.


And really, that's about it.


:iagree: We've done without buying any containers because there are plenty in my kitchen and we haven't bought or used any weights. The only thing I'd add is play money (that looks like real $). It's cleaner and cheaper than real money and gets a lot of use at our house.

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