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Any tricks for staying "on track" with SL??


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This is our second year with SL. We're using history, read-alouds and two different sets of readers. Each one is in a different week :glare:. The same thing happened last year and I swore we'd keep it together this year. All the flipping back and forth makes me nuts!

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no great answer here. My kids were getting ahead in the readers so we had them take a break to get us all caught back together last month. I too didn't like jumping all over and they read about things we hadn't talked about in history yet. So they did other books until we caught up in History :-)


I think it's normal to get off. Maybe a few times a year stop one to get it all caught up? my only answer :001_smile:

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We always read the read alouds faster than scheduled so I just add in an extra book here and there to fill in. This year, we're reading through the Chronicles of Narnia after each couple of read alouds. I don't worry about ds being ahead in readers. I just let him pick ibrary books when he finishes for the year.

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