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Classical Conversationalists: Can you help me find this information?

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Please, if this is breaking copywrite information, let me know and I'll retract my question.


We want to use the CC history memory in our TOG studies, and we'd like the kids to learn English kings/queens, especially as they relate to American colonization. I just purchased the (discontinued) year 3 resource CD and that doesn't have the information I'm looking for. Might year 2? I'm willing to purchase the audio CD or resource CD if it is on there.



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Do you mean the history timeline? That is owned by Veritas Press and is pretty expensive (IMHO). You can search youtube and find examples of people reciting (or teaching!) the timeline though, and then you'll also see the hand motions.


If you mean the history sentences, they are in the foundations guide.

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Do you mean the history timeline? That is owned by Veritas Press and is pretty expensive (IMHO). You can search youtube and find examples of people reciting (or teaching!) the timeline though, and then you'll also see the hand motions.


If you mean the history sentences, they are in the foundations guide.

Never thought to check youtube! :D Thanks for that!

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The history sentences are also on the audio CDs set to music for each cycle. Pretty much what is in the Foundations guide (as far as what they have to memorize) is on the CDs, except Geography (I think).


This a good YouTube video of the timeline and hand motions:



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No, what I want to know is if -- as part of the history memory work (not the timeline) -- the kids memorize the kings and queens of England. When we went to an open house a few weeks ago, the kids were memorizing the rules of the main powers during WW1. I'm looking to see if CC hasa catchy tune to help us memorize all the Georges, Henrys, etc. of England.


I'm not looking for the history cards. Just want to know if (perhaps) on CC cycle 2 this information is memorized. Then, I'll buy the CD.

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Just looked through my cycle 2 book and they do not memorize the order of the British kings/queens at all. They mention British monarchs from time to time but not all of them in order.


Sorry! Guess you'll have to make up your own jingle :tongue_smilie:

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King of England Rap

Kings of England

Norman Kings:


William the conqueror long did reign;

William his son, by an arrow was slain;

Henry the First was a scholar bright;

Stephen was king without any right.




Henry the Second, Plantagenet's scion;

Richard the First was as brave as a lion

John, though a tyrant, the Charter signed;

Henry the Third had a weakly mind,

Edward the first conquered Cambria dales;

Edward the second was born Prince of Wales;

Edward the third humbled France in its pride;

Richard the Second in prison died.


House of Lancaster:


Henry the fourth for himself took the crown;

Henry the fifth pulled the French King down;

Henry the Sixth lost his father's gains.


House of York:


Edward the fourth laid hold of the reins;

Edward the fifth was killed with his brother;

Richard the third soon made way for another.


House of Tudor:


Henry the seventh was frugal of means;

Henry the eighth had a great many queens.

Edward the sixth reformation began

Cruel Queen Mary prevented the plan.

Wise and profound were Elizabeth's aims.


Stuart line:


England and Scotland were joined by King James.

Charles found the people a cruel corrector;

Oliver Cromwell was called Lord Protector;

Charles the Second was hid in an oak;

James the second took the Catholic yoke.

William and Mary were offered the throne,

Anne succeeded and reigned alone.


House of Hanover:


George the first from Hanover came;

George the second kept up the name;

George the third was loved in the land;

George the fourth was polite and grand;

William the fourth had no heir of his own,

So Queen Victoria ascended the throne.

When Good queen Victoria's long reign was o'er

Edward the seventh the English crown wore.


House of Windsor:


His son, George the fifth, ruled the realm amassed where the sun never set, it was so vast.

Edward the eighth gave up the throne for his wife.

George the sixth ruled through World War II's strife.

The second Elizabeth rules today

And "God save the Queen" all her subjects' hearts say.

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This is the same one as Drew Campbell's book.. or very close. :)

Willie, Willie, Harry, Ste,

Harry, Dick, John, Harry three;

One two three Neds, Richard two,

Harrys four five six, ... then who?


Edwards four five, Dick the bad,

Harrys (twain), Ned (the lad);

Mary, Bessie, James the vain,

Charlie, Charlie, James again


Will and Mary, Anna Gloria,

Georges four, then Will, Victoria;

Edward seven, George and Ted,

George the sixth, now Liz instead.

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