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Have you ever done a Beth Moore study online?

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I have done most of her early studies in a group and did "Beleiving God" online which was awesome. I need to be in a study right now and due to scheduling I know it needs to be online. I need a recommendation as to which one to choose. I don't have any major needs right now...except a very deep need to draw closer and reinstate my quiet time and Bible Study daily. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

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We have a group of missionary women here who do her studies every Friday together. We've done Patriarchs, Daniel, and are now doing A Woman's Heart, God's Dwelling Place.


Patriarchs was great. It covered Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I loved getting into the study and learning so much about the Old Testament.


Daniel was amazing. But, it was really intense. We actually took two weeks for each teaching because it was so deep. The first half was on Babylon and what that means. How to stand for God in the midst of Babylon. The second half is end-times prophecy. That's where it got intense. I was thankful to have a group to discuss with because it was a lot to take in. I would highly recommend it if you can do the teachings over when you need to.


A Woman's Heart, God's Dwelling Place is the perfect one to do after Daniel! We are only on week 3 so I can't say much about it.


I love her studies and never did any until I moved here. God bless--I hope you find one!

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life changing for me. I helped to organize a conference many years ago when our desired speaker couldn't come and she was suggested as an alternate...long before she was a national speaker/leader. I have done most of her studies now. Probably one of the most life changing was the "Believing God" that I did online. I loved being able to do it at my own pace, any time of the day or night and not having to pack my kids up, take up a whole morning to go to church for the Bible study, etc. Of course, group study can be good, too, but I inevitably get behind and then the video portions are "ahead" and I get frustrated. You can go to www.lifeway.com and click on "Beth Moore resources" on the right and see what is available on line. I can't recommend them enough. They charge for the downloads but at the cost of gas it is still a lot cheaper than driving to a group!

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I'm getting ready to sign up for one myself! It's Living Beyond Yourself and is on the fruit of the spirit and how to live in the spirit!




Our women's Bible study moved to a night when I can't attend because I'm serving in another ministry, so I thought this would be a great thing to do on my own while using the message board community at Lifeway for discussion. :)

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that there are only 2 offered online: Believing in God and Living Beyond Yourself? Is there any way to do others online?


I too am very interested in this, and it may be the Mother's Day present I request. I need some accountability to be in the word more regularly. Maybe those of us who do go this route can form an encouragement group together.

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They are actually offering more of her studies now online. If you click on the "cover" of the study it will show the sessions for that study. I am disappointed that Lifeway is charging $5 for some of the sessions (like dwelling place) which would put it at $50 by the end. I think $30 is much more reasonable. I will probably email them and mention that. However, even at $5 a week I will probably spring for that - you can buy them one at a time.

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