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Organizing Bills in a 3-ring binder- who does this in real life?

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I have always used a file cabinet, but during this time without our furniture I have been using a binder to keep all the bills organized (I web pay, but I keep the hard copies for reference).


I like it so much that I may ditch my file cabinet when it arrives (you're all praying for us to get housing...right? Just a friendly reminder:001_smile:).


I use the file system for other things too, but I don't see why I couldn't ring binder them too!


Am I going a little binder crazy? Where will I put these binders you ask? Yeah...well I don't know yet. First I want to know who uses the binder system as their permanent system---but if you do, I would love details. Do you use dividers? page protectors? Do you ditch the last bill when you get the next filed?


I'm way to interested.....



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I use them for health related paperwork only. It helps me keep track of paperwork from several sources for one day of service. I've been doing this for about 5 years, before I would file separately. Insurance statements, copays and paying a percentage for some services made filing separately frustrating. I tab by writing the date on those little sticky markers. In the front of the binder I have a sheet tallying all the out of pocket expenses. :) Am I geeky or what? I go through and weed out any papers I do not need to keep at the end of the year. Then store the year in a folder.

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Why? What is the purpose? After I pay my bills they go into the trash can, LOL! If I need to 'research' a bill.....I have my bank account for that purpose and since I pay all of them 'online'....that makes it much easier. They are all listed right there for me!

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I have a folder for bills. I put all the bills in the same folder for an entire year then store the folder for 7 years before shredding the whole thing. I have all the bills if I need to go look for something but is it doesn't take me long to file it.


I do this too. I find that it makes a whole lot more sense than any other piecemeal system: binder, filing cabinets, etc.


I was introduced to the revolutionary idea about five years ago. My billing paperwork has been a breeze ever since.


I have an "inbox" to pile unpaid bills, receipts, statements, and anything else related to financial. Then I have one of those expanding 13 section file folders to hold all of that paperwork once it's entered into the computer. That's it. We try to put receipts and bills in the proper month in the folder, but don't sweat it when we miss.


I never realized, before I did this, how unnecessary it is to have separate files for bank statements, credit card bills, water bills, etc. So. Totally. Unnecessary.


Just this last week, dh had to dig up a statement from 2006. He just pulled the entire 2006 folder out of our financial storage box, looked for ten minutes, and found it. Easy peasy.

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We use a file cabinet, but a three ring binder (BIG!) would work.


I also track our electric, gas, and water usage on a spreadsheet. I like to see if we are using more water or electricity based on approximately the same conditions as a year previously.

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