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Need knitters opinions about superwash yarns...

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Now that I am venturing into slightly more difficult knitting projects...I want to make myself a sweater. However, most of the yarns in the pattern I've chosen are discountinued...so, I am searching for substitutes.


For the main body or the sweater...I need a worsted, approx. 20 sts per 4 inches...calling for a size 8US needle. I know I will need to check my gauge. Now, the yarns I am interested in are Dream in Color Classy, Malabrigo, and Madelinetosh. I posted a question on Ravelry and some great responses. However, I've done more reading on Ravelry from previous posts and it seems as though some people like one yarn and hate the others...while some people absolutely love the yarn one person hates and despise the other yarns. Sigh... There will be one complaint about a yarn pilling...and, others talk about that same yarn barely pilling at all. Ugh! And, what's up with superwash stretching when you wash it...and, the blocking that has to be done SO carefully. I'm getting dizzy just thinking about all this! Smiles!!


From what I've read, some people say Dream in Color feels like acrylic...but, it feels beautifully soft to others. Some people complain about Malibrigo and Madelinetosh splitting horribly...while other say you can get softer yarn with better definition. I had never heard of Dream in Color...but, it looks yummy! I found out about it on the Yarn Harlot's blog. She loves it!...and, she wouldn't lie! Smiles!!


I'd really like to hear some more info on these yarns before I buy...or, your opinions about other yarns I haven't mentioned. I can't find yarn stores in town that carry these yarns...so, I want as much info before I buy on-line.


Is your head spinning? Mine is!




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I haven't made a sweater yet and I have no experience with any of the yarns you listed. The only comment I have is about Malabrigo. I remember listening to an episode of Stash and Burn and Jenny was wondering why she didn't have a sweater out of Malabrigo. Nicole replied that it pilled a lot, but if that didn't bother her then Malabrigo would make a lovely sweater.


I, too, have heard that superwash stretches. I bought some Cascade 220 superwash (for a sweater that I've promised dh) and just knit up a swatch/hat for out it. I washed and dried it and it came ok. I didn't notice it stretching, but it's not much fabric so maybe that's why. Anyway, I'd also heard the drying in the dryer gets it back into shape.


Could you get one skein of each for research? That would give you a chance to knit each one up and wash it, etc. Might be worth the investment. ;)

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Dream in Color feels like acrylic???? No way! lol. It's my favorite yarn every to knit with! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE DIC! I wish I could afford to knit every Worsted project out of it! :-) Superwash DOES stretch quite a bit when you're blocking it, so keep that in mind. DIC is certainly much softer than Cascade 200 superwash, but it's much more spendy.

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Dream in Color feels like acrylic???? No way! lol. It's my favorite yarn every to knit with! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE DIC! I wish I could afford to knit every Worsted project out of it! :-) Superwash DOES stretch quite a bit when you're blocking it, so keep that in mind. DIC is certainly much softer than Cascade 200 superwash, but it's much more spendy.



Thanks! Since I've only blocked small items...what is it that I'm "keeping in mind" about the stretching? What am I supposed to do with stretchy knits when blocking? Oh...and, will it stretch out any time I need to wash it? Will I need to reblock each time it's washed?




Edited by Holly in FL
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