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Convention Time Purchases

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I am leaning towards buying Writing Tales for next year. I find myself thinking about that on and off throughout the week. I am also trying to decide between MUS and TT. I am going to spend a decent amount of time looking at both at the convention. Finally, even though we are working on Winter Promise Sea and Sky (includes science) I think I want to do lapbooking with the first Apologia Zoology book. I just don't want to put it off any longer.

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I am just anxious to go to the convention for the speakers! SWB and Jim Weiss are at my convention. I have had the pleasure of hearing them both when I lived in Atlanta and now I get them again. Not to mention 2 other members from this board are presenting workshops. I just can't wait! I hope Peace Hill Press will be at the convention so I can look at Writing with Ease for my youngest child. Other than that I think I am all set for next year.

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I'm with you on the year's supply of chocolates. I did the purchasing for a door prize we awarded at our convention (two weeks ago) and each one was a big bag (great for books) filled with Purdy's chocolate, a Starbucks travel mug and gift card, Kernels popcorn, Body Shop manicure set (the second bag had hand wash and lotion), and a book. Fun, fun, fun.


I picked up a couple of great resources this year that I wasn't expecting. One was A Child's Geography. I love this book. It's a lovely read, it's really well laid out, and it's simple to use. I'm using it with all of my kids together (ages 12, 8, and 6). The other was 100 Wonders. It's a gorgeous book written by a biologist about the wonder of God in science. I'm reading that out loud to the kids as well, one wonder per day. When they get a link up about the book I'll pass it on.


My other fun purchase was The Journey's of Paul (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/5725). We went away for a few days after the convention and my kids played this together and had a blast. I played with them as well - it's interesting and there is a lot of strategy to it. I like the fact that everyone can play as well. I know it says 10 and up, but my 6 and 8 year olds were doing just fine : )



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Writing With Ease won't be at any conventions this summer? I'd really like to hold it in my hands and look at it. I know SWB won't be there.


(going to FL conv. in Orlando)


Jessie Wise will be speaking at the NOVA conference in Northern VA in July and Susan said that she will have copies of WWE there (assuming they are back from the publisher by then and she is pretty sure they will be!). I can't wait to see a hard copy of it. I don't know if Susan will be there or not...she's not slated to speak.


As for purchases...I'm not sure what I'll end up bringing home! I buy mostly used b/c I have to. BUT, consumables you can't always find used. Plus, I'm sure there will be so much to see and fall in love with that I'll come home with something unplanned!

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