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Baby due this Friday!

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I'm just getting really excited!! Because so far its been all about planning and hoping that he didn't show up too early...and now he's almost due and I'm freaking out!!!


Just wanted to tell someone!! :001_smile:


Oh and also: If I get through the delivery drug free (I'm a super wuss) my other half promised me he would get me my own UGG boots! And if you know me that's a big deal because I never buy expensive shoes or clothes ever and I've always secretly wanted a pair of those... So wish me luck!


Anyways...I'm hoping my baby boy gets here soon! I'm all done nesting and everything!

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Wow!! Congratulations to both of you! how exciting. :) Enjoy your precious ones. Ya'll should exchange phone number or something so you have someone to talk to at 3am when you're up nursing. :)




I remember this time last year. My son will be 1 in a few weeks. How is that possible? :confused:


And on the drug free birth...you can do it!! Really, you can. I thought I could never do anything that crazy :lol: but my 2nd and 3rd births were unmedicated. And DH lived to tell about it. :lol:


Yeh, you deserve the boots either way. Order them now, while you have the time. :D

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Mine is due Sat. :) I am freaking out too! And you deserve the boots either way! I am having a homebirth but I have had 2 hospital with meds, 1 hospital natural, and 2 other homebirths.


You are doing a great job no matter what birth you end up having! :)


yay! congrats to you too!


It's my first so I'm super nervous...I almost went in with false labor on Saturday but I toughed it out...yay me!


If I'm going to get the boots anyways I won't be as motivated...but he's to nice so he might get them anyways...who knows?

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My (first) baby was due on Saturday. She still hasn't shown up and I am still not in labor. :glare: I'm getting really impatient!!!


And since unmedicated birth was mentioned, I'm going to be at a birth center with a midwife -- no medication will even be available. :D Some of my friends think I'm crazy (mostly the ones around my age who haven't had kids). Other people I know (mostly the ones who've had multiple babies without painkillers) aren't phased by it at all....


ETA: I agree with other people -- you totally deserve the boots either way!!

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I cannot believe this daughter of mine... we are so not that same when it comes to full term pregnancies. I was impatient. I would walk, walk, walk, walk, walk. I would use every technique for getting that labor started that was safe. My girl? Uh-uh. She smiles, waiting. All lovely looking and at peace. She is making full term look beautiful.

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