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latin and greek together??


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we've been doing latin and my child likes it. specifically we have been doing song school latin. my ds (7) enjoys it a lot and has asked if he can do school song greek next? we were going to continue with more latin (probably minimus because it is what i have on hand)...would there be any harm in doing both subjects at the same time?


we also do spanish and are trying to fit arabic in somehow!!


all our language learning is done in a very relaxed way. i have a basket of spanish goodies: books, dvds, muzzy spanish, cd's rosetta stone, a couple of other programs, flash cards, learning wrap ups and ds takes out what he wants and explores it whenever he wants...


latin is done daily with review of the previous vocabulary...


so far, with arabic ds has learned the alphabet. living in abu dhabi, he is very eager to learn arabic, unfortunately we haven't found anyone to teach him in a gentle way...



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There is certainly no harm in doing both at the same time. Many families find it easier to stick with one for a couple of years, and then add the other.


FYI, we found Song School Greek to be much more difficult than Song School Latin. Our little ones enjoyed SSL, but we all (students and parents) bombed out quickly with SSG. We decided to wait until the youngers could handle Elementary Greek.


But if it works well for your students, by all means, do it! Language study is good for the brain. :D

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In our household, we spend several years exclusively with Latin. Then we begin Greek and study them concurrently. French is the modern language my children study.


This is how we will be doing it. Right now, dd1 is in 3rd grade, and has been doing Latin since 1st. Next year we'll add in Greek, and then in middle school we'll add in French.

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We had the same thing happen. DD loves SSL, saw SSG, and wanted to try it. So we're currently doing SSG, LfC A, and a combination of various Spanish methods. We've also used Biblical Greek 4 Kids book 1. DD has had no trouble keeping them straight. Mommy is struggling a bit more :).


SSG is harder than SSL-a lot of the songs are all in English and then all in Greek, and therefore don't define the vocabulary as much in isolation, but my DD has still enjoyed it. And I've kind of enjoyed that, where SSL took a few weeks for DD to whip though, SSG has taken since August so far ;). I do think that we'll go to Hey, Andrew, next, even though there's a lot of redundancy, to really go over the basics, as opposed to GfC or Elementary Greek.

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