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Does this sound wrong to you? (slow cooker)

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At 7:30 am I started a grassfed chuck roast and added baby carrots (exceptionally skinny ones), celery and sliced onions along with beef stock and cream of mushroom soup. At 5:30 pm the meat was cooked but not falling off the bone as I had expected. I was going to chalk this up to the grassfed beef but my skinny little baby carrots were the same.... cooked but not completely tender either. I cooked it on low. Do you think my slow cooker could be "off"?

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Yes. Assuming the carrots were submerged in stock, I'd have expected them to be super soft. If they're not, I'd be worried that my slow cooker is broken. If the slow cooker is still on, you can use a kitchen thermometer to measure the temp of the stock. If it is a newer slow cooker, it should be at least 170 degrees F. (Older ones might cook a bit cooler.) Near or below 140 degrees is completely unacceptable from a food safety standpoint.

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Is it an old or new slow cooker? The ones I used growing up, and in college, took all day to cook. If yours is old, your results may be normal. Any that I have owned in the last 10 years or so cook really fast. If a recipe says 8 hours on low, I can bet I'll need to turn it off in about 3 hours on low.


ETA- We had a roast once that never did get tender in the slow cooker. We moved it to the pressure cooker the next day to achieve tenderness.

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It's an older model (at least 10 years old), but I always used to get "fall apart" roasts from it. Maybe I should put some water in it and test the temp. If it doesn't test well, any ideas on a decent one? They look much different than they did when I purchased this one.

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Just an odd thought, but was the lid always sitting on just right. I know in the past I've had peeping diners that didn't get the top back on right so the condensation seal was broken and then things didn't cook up like they should.

Good idea, but it was on there. It's a glass lid that only fits in the little indentation. I am thinking back to August when I made a stew I wasn't happy with as well. Maybe this was the reason.

We just replaced a washer, a blender, a car (big one), the hot water heater that we replaced a year ago is leaking and now the crockpot is really stressing me out. Maybe I'll just cook everything on the stove or in the oven. OR I could try to cram it all in the 1.5 qt crockpot I bought for oatmeal. THAT solution would be the most interesting! lol BLAH!

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