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The doctor's office just called

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And my TSH is 8.1. So they are upping my thyroid meds, and I feel good just knowing that a) there is a good reason for how I am feeling, and b) this is temporary. But what really surprises me is that every time I end up out of range, my symptoms are slightly different. It's as if of the whole laundry list of possible symptoms for hypothyroidism, I get a handful each time, and always a different handful. Has anyone else had different symptoms at different times?

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How are you even moving with TSH levels that high? Anything 3+ nearly puts me in a coma. I'm glad you're getting help. :grouphug:


I am moving slowly and stiffly. I just always tell myself that I will never let it creep up on me again, but then the symptoms are different and easily explained away. I blamed my blah feeling on post-holiday letdown. My eyes and skin are always dry, so having them dry when I've been running my heat for 3 months seemed normal. I didn't want to blame the couple of pounds I have gained on my thyroid because I definitely enjoyed my food over the holidays, and the weather has kept me from getting out to walk as much as I usually do. Last time my TSH hit this level I was sleeping a ton more and had worse brain fog, but I have never had this much stiffness.

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