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Maybe I am just overly sensitive.....


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In my dd9's case, her language processing issue has a significant impact on her verbal IQ score. She had the WISC at the end of K and mid-way through 3rd grade. The second time she took it, her verbal score had dropped more than a standard deviation from the first time, because the higher level of the test (since she was older) required more skill in language. I still don't fully understand it all, but it'll be interesting to see what her score is if and when we test again (possibly next winter, during 5th).


This is the biggest puzzle to me. Something about the relative "decline" that some of our dc experience came to my attention for the first time in a post I read on these boards not long ago. It seemed common sense to some people but to me it was enlightening. My dd showed a significant decline on the cogat test from third to fifth grade. The verbal reasoning score was steady and high but math and non-verbal reasoning went down from having been way up there. I thought she was a genius.:001_huh: :lol:


I wouldn't mind hearing from others who have had this experience, but I'm starting to feel like I've really hijacked this thread.

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I haven't read through many of the post, but I did want to send over an agreeing growl from a reformed bragger! My first child taught herself to read at age 3, and was talking intelligently about planetary rotaion by 4. Then about 4rth grade... mmm, yah. Life got busy and she stopped caring about school so much. My second child a son didn't learn to read well, until he was 9, and at 11 still doesn't read nearly as well as I would like. I now have an adopted son that I'm convinced will not even be able to wipe his own backside for many more years, and he will be 5 next week! He test out as a 7 year old in the intelligence evaluation, but when I show him letter flash cards he may answer with numbers or shapes, or letters, or even directions! I'm sure alot of it is defiance, but there is definitely some other 'learning' elements in there. I tried not to brag, and a lot of what I said was said from shock and fear. How in the world was I going to homeschool this child? I just knew she would be above my intelligence before middle school!


just my 2 cents

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I am a realist. I know my different children's abilities, strengths and weaknesses. I have them in all spectra. I just don't worry about how they compare to other children b/c it does not change their abilities one way or the other.


I hope that when I discuss my different children on the forum that I am not intimidating or causing stress in other participants. It certainly isn't my intent if it comes across that way. Since I have kids all over the place, I can typically empathize with just about all scenarios. :tongue_smilie:

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This board is the only place in the whole wide world where I say anything about the level at which my children work.





ETA: i know a mom who is always talking about how advanced her daughter is, that she got into mensa, that she can't find curriculum for her, that she cant' find peers to relate to-I just see that as her reality, and I don't judge her for it. She's a really nice lady, her daughter is super sweet, and this is her reality.

Edited by Halcyon
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