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finding a dentist question

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We found a small practice dentist that was willing to see us as a family. My kids love watching me get my teeth cleaned the same day they do. He is willing to schedule us at the same time so we can sit by each other in our chairs having the same things done at the same time by different hygenists. I love that since the dentist is young, he may be someone that can see them well into adulthood. He is a dad and understands young kids well.


I called and visited some dentists that cater to kids and decided against them. All had no parent in the exam room policies, all had video games and junk TV available in 'children only' waiting rooms. When I needed dental care for our dd at age 1 (she was in foster care and the state required dental exams beginning at age 1), none of the children's dentists would even consider having her as a patient until she was 3yo.

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I love that he is on our insurance plan.


I will not go to a dentist that will not allow me to be with my frightened child. I called and spoke to several children's dentists that had a no parents policy. We ended up with one a little farther away, but he allows parents to be where they need to be.


(My older kids, dd12 and ds10, are fine without Mom in the room. My little ds6 is not ready for that. He wants to know Mom is there. So I stay for him. And periodically check on the big kids too.)

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How old are your kids and are they used to the dentist?


I take the kids to my dentist. He let the kids watch our cleanings first. He allowed me to go back with my VERY anxious child. Her first appointments were on my lap and all they did was look over her teeth. Appointment by appointment, they gradually did more and more until they've worked her up to a full cleaning and sealants. She gags when they try to do bitewings. They try each time, but don't push it and finally did a different x-ray last time just to get a look and make sure everything was fine.


Some of my friends go to pediatric dentists, with all the gadgets and gizmos. I don't have a problem with that, except many of them refuse to let the parents go back and one of them asked my friend (whose daughter was freaking out at her first appointment) if she wanted them to hold her down to clean her teeth.:confused:


Our hygenist DID say the first time that there are occasions when they ask the parents to leave. I think that was her way of saying some parents are a hindrance, but they've never asked me to leave. By now, however, both girls like to go back by themselves.


ETA: And our dentist is conservative. My dd's permanent teeth came in behind her baby teeth. He said there was no reason to pull them, that the tongue would keep pushing things forward until the baby teeth loosened and fell out. No biggie. At the same point in time, my nephew got teeth pulled because of the exact same issue.

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I like our dentist because it is a family practice, which means that our kids get a pediatric dentist (with hospital privileges if the need arises) and DH and I can get seen at the same place. They are also very conservative. They will not fill a small cavity in a baby tooth that will fall out in 6 months, for example. They will also let parents back if you want to do so.

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I will not go to a dentist that won't allow me to be with DD. She is shy anyways, and gets very nervous in new situations, I won't compound that by not being there for her.


I also wouldn't make appointments for both of us at the same time, but I would just make DD even more nervous. I am very afraid of the dentist and it shows when I'm in the chair. I can hide it as long as I'm not the one in the chair!

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thanks for the responses....this gives me a few things to consider and ask about when I am checking out our options. My kids are 10,8 and 6...all 3 of them HATE the dentisit...we were seeing a pedi dentist and my son, who has sensory issues also has a HUGE gag reflex and has a real difficult time with the xrays...he was throwing a fit and she told him to shut up....I didnt' hear it...my son told me later...which is totally uncalled for...so we are looking to change...but I do want someone who is conservative in their approach...so we will see.


thanks again.



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HUGE gag reflex and has a real difficult time with the xrays...he was throwing a fit and she told him to shut up....


See, this ticks me off. I have a very strong gag reflex. As an adult, I've had a dentist tell me to just stop doing that. I can't help it and THEY are the ones triggering it. So, I appreciate that my hygenist (who actually does most of the actual work, unless there are problems) works with me AND she works with my dd. She always comes out and is very positive. "She really tried, but she just keeps gagging." They finally did a different type of x-ray, that just required dd to hold a tube between her teeth and maybe went all around?


They also tried a certain lollipop (don't know if it's the lollipop or the action of having it in your mouth) that dd went in early for and sucked on for a bit. But, the lollipop made her gag.:lol:

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