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Best Simplifying/Organizing tips

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Paperwork: I have spent years refining a system that works for me.


I have a desk with a computer, and a tray on it. I call the tray my inbox but its physical, not virtual :) When papers come into the house, they are generally sorted immediately into what goes straight in the trash, and what makes it to my office and desk. I have a pin board for bills next to my desk. A 2 drawer filing cabinet next to my desk with an alphabetical system in it. And my tray- where everything goes that needs sorting or dealing with, but I dont want to do it right now.

Thursdays is Desk Day (a Flylady thing) and thats when I go through the papers in the tray, pay bills and catch up on paperwork things.

I also have a large squared calendar next to my desk, for appointments, and a day to a page desk diary on my desk, which is where I write my To Do lists, my notes, phone messages, shopping lists etc. That saves me having lots of scraps of paper around the place.


Toys- not my area anymore. I never did such a good job with toys but we had containers to keep them in which helped somewhat. Less toys is best.


Organising chores- I use the Flylady system (on and off, and I am back on at the moment). I have daily morning and evening routines for doing chores (written on a chart), weekly zones, a habit of regular decluttering, a daily theme (such as shopping day, anti procrastination day, car clean day). For my kids, they just do their chores each morning, and it is my chore to make sure they do them.

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Just read the sheets and towels thread. Some stuff there to think about.


What other helps do you have:






Organizing chores?


Bring it on! :D



Paperwork = my arch nemisis! :lol: I have a small, pretty holder on my desk with 6 file folders for any incoming mail that needs to be sorted later, current fliers and coupons, bills to be paid, and other misc items. SUPPOSEDLY, I am to go through this once a week and file it away in a large, metal file cabinet I have for everthing. What really happens is it gets to where I couldn't possibly cram another piece of paper in there before I put it away. :glare:


Toys - The kids each have a metal 3 shelve book case in their rooms that hold 9 canvas bins. Each type of toy has it's own bin and their rooms have to be picked up before bed each day. They also have a few rubbermaid tubs that fit under their beds that have toys that do not fit in the bins ... ds has legos and gijoes in his and dd has barbies and babydolls in hers. It's really easy to put things away because everything has a home. I go through their rooms about once every 2 or 3 months and purge anything that is broken or outgrown. They also have a bookshelf in the hallway they share that has books on it and a set of shelves in a closet that has all the games/puzzles.


Chores - I have set schedule for weekly chores. Monday is dust/vacuum day and gather the garbages day. Tuesdays is grocery shopping/errand day. Wednesday is bathroom & mopping day. Thursday is dust/vacuum day. Friday is sheets/towels laundry day. There are some things that just need to be done everyday, like cleaning the kitchen, setting/clearning the table after meals, loading/unloading the dishwasher, taking out the kitchen garbage, sweeping, & laundry ... no wonder I spend my life in the kitchen!! :tongue_smilie:Of course for chores that don't need to be done regularly, I just squeeze in when I feel they need done. (Like washing windows, cleaning out the fridge, etc...)


The kids have to keep their own rooms clean and vacuum them once a week on one of my vacuum days. They are also in charge of their own bathrooms on bathroom day. About every other day I have them bring down the dirty clothes from their own bedrooms and they are expected to put away any of their own clean clothes everyday. Ds is in charge of gathering garbages on Mondays. Both ds and dd help set/clear the table when I think about it - most of the time it is just easier to do it myself.


This all sounds like my house is spotless and perfectly ran ... HAHAHAHA :lol: I wish! That's how it looks on paper. There are many days that I don't get to my daily chores because I am too busy with school, or run late doing something else, or I am on here goofing off too much! Someday it may run perfectly, someday.

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Toys - DS has two baskets (large laundry size with wheels). If the toys don't fit in the baskets, it is time to purge. He can clean up all his toys in a matter of minutes.


Linen closet - three towels/hand towels for DH and myself, same for DS. Two pair of sheets per bed but only use one. The other is still in the original package.


Rags - we use a lot of rags. One large basket (with lid) at the top of the stairs and one downstairs in the laundry room. If the rags start coming out the top, time to purge.


School things - must fit in my three Desk Apprentices or the cabinets designated for supplies. If they don't fit, time to move them to the consignment basket. I sell a lot of extra things at our co-op's annual sale in June. I use a lot of cardboard magazine holders to organize school books. Workbooks don't fall over and like items can be arranged together. It really helps keep things orderly.

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