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Nosebleeds and cauterization

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My 5 yo son has a history of nosebleeds. Got them all the time last winter. Got a really bad one in September. It went on for two hours without stopping and when the blood started coming out his eyes, I freaked, thinking it was a brain hemorrhage or something, so we took him to the ER. They gave all the recommendations about humidifiers and Vaseline up the nose, etc, so we've been doing that and he was fine. The ER doc said that the blood vessels in his nose were very prominent and would probably have to be cauterized eventually.


Fast forward to last week. He got sick, generic low grade fever, cough, sore throat and runny nose. We gave him Tylenol for the fever and sore throat and the only thing to do about the runny nose was blow it. Well after two days of A LOT of blowing, the bloody noses started. He's had 11 since Thursday night. We started giving him Vitamin K on Saturday and that's greatly reduced their duration. But he was still getting them randomly, not just after blowing his nose (which we stopped doing). So we took him to the pediatrician today and they recommended that he gets the blood vessels cauterized and referred us to an ENT specialist.


We have an appointment for tomorrow and the lady said if the doc thinks it needs to be cauterized it can be done tomorrow. So my question is: Has anyone else had this done for them or their children? She couldn't tell me anything about the recovery, which is what I need to know.


Any prayers would also be appreciated, since I'm about 2 weeks away from having this baby and completely not ready for it and DH's work situation is seriously intolerable and we want to explore other options, but are afraid. So I've got lots of stress right now and am just about at my bursting point.

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My husband has had chronic nosebleeds as a child and as an adult. My daughter is following in his footsteps.


My husband had his nose cauterized 3 or 4 years ago. It was painful and unfortunately did absolutely nothing to help stop the nosebleeds long term (If I remember correctly it did help in the short term.)


I don't think my husband would recommend it for our daughter - too much pain for no long lasting results.

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First--I didn't look at all the replys, so if this has been mentioned, please disregard!


I had never had a nosebleed--EVER--until I was pg with ds (1st I didn't miscarry). I got them ALL the time...to the point I had to go the ER once. It didn't stop for over 3 1/2 hours. Then, I delivered him and they went away. Then I got pg with dd 2 years later and they started all over again...from 6 wks on. I went to see the ENT at about 15 weeks pg and they used silver nitrate on a q-tip on 4-5 different vessels in both nostrils. It was virtually painless, but uncomforatble b/c they're in your nose. No recovery at all and the results were immediate. Later in the pg, I went back and had one more done on the side that was worse. No nosebleeds since! I think it's about as uncomforatble as a strep test...but it lasts a little longer.

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I had this done as a child many years ago. I remember it being fairly quick but it left a burning in my nose. Totally bearable! I went home and was fine afterwards. They gave me some type of cream like vaseline to use for a while. I had to have it done again and that time it seemed to work better for me. I was having lots of nosebleeds as a child and was so thankful to have it come to an end! I was a really shy kid in school and usually some other kids would tell the teacher for me...

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It was a simple process and it worked for those vessels. She has telengectasia (sp?) which causes them (like the little blood spots you can get on your skin). Anyway, she also really recommends AYR ointment (her ENT suggested it) to put in the nose. It is available over the counter and has reduced her nosebleeds by keeping the inside of the nose moist. My son gets nosebleeds and she wants me to try it with him, but I keep forgetting.

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal

3 of my 5 children have had this done. It was painless and completely cured them of their nosebleeds. They were 4, 7, and 4 when it was done. Be sure to ask the ENT exactly what he/she will do. I know some whose ENT used some kind of electric cauterization that was very painful and traumatic for the child. I think they also did it without any kind of local anesthetic.


My children were numbed with Lidocaine. One child (11 years ago) had Lidocaine sprayed up the offending nostril. The other two had a cotton ball soaked in Lidocaine put into the offending nostril for 10 or 15 minutes prior to cauterization. Both worked equally well in numbing and were not traumatic. My 4 yo dd doesn't like anything sprayed up her nose so thankfully she got the cotton ball. Silver nitrate was used to cauterize all three. It looks a bit like a long match stick. My youngest dd had such a large vessel (the largest the ENT has seen) that she got a nose bleed while it was being cauterized and the ENT thought she may need to have it repeated but she didn't. My 7 yo said her tooth (near where her nose was cauterized) hurt a little several hours after the cauterization so I gave her a dose of Tylenol and that was it. None of the others had any pain...ever. None of this was traumatic for them (there weren't nervous and didn't even fuss a little bit) and they haven't had a nose bleed since. The youngest 2 were done within the last year but my ds #2 was done 11 years ago.


Feel free to PM me if you have any questions:001_smile:

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DS has had it done 3 times. It usually last about 9 months then we have a few months of fairly regular noises bleeds. Once he gets annoyed enough we have it done again. He is having them fairly regularly now so we will probably due it again soon. It hurts!!! He is a fairly tough kid and he hates having it done. His nose hurts the first day and then it is fine. :001_smile:

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal
DS has had it done 3 times. It usually last about 9 months then we have a few months of fairly regular noises bleeds. Once he gets annoyed enough we have it done again. He is having them fairly regularly now so we will probably due it again soon. It hurts!!! He is a fairly tough kid and he hates having it done. His nose hurts the first day and then it is fine. :001_smile:

Do they numb him? I ask because my children felt nothing.

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I had it done some 40 years ago. I don't know what they used but it was painful at the time although better than the alternative: endless nosebleeds. It worked for me. I still get nosebleeds every now and then but nothing like what it used to be both in frequency and duration.

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