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If you have vein problems (varicose or others)

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I have been having problems with pain in my leg, and would like some advice.


I went to the doctor before Christmas, and then I was also having warmth in both of them as well as some tingling in my feet. I do have some spider veins and can see veins more prominently in my legs than I used to. I actually feel like I can see them more in lots of places (hands, arms temples), but I know this is probably common with aging. I'm almost 44. There are a lot of varicose vein issues in my family.


The Dr. thought it might be metabolic and did a CBC as well as blood chemistry and it was all fine. He said the blood flow into my feet was very good and was a little less on the return. He told me not to sit or stand for too long without moving around and flexing my feet etc. and to follow up if it didn't get better.


Over break it all seemed to go away except pain in my right leg. There is achiness, even sore to touch sometimes, and sometimes a drawing feeling in my calf. It all seems better if I am wearing trouser socks, though. I wear them often with dress pants and noticed at church and other places.


Is this acting like a compression stocking? Obviously they are not nearly as tight as that. My calves are big (IMO), so they fit tighter there than the lower leg.


Also, I do have less hair growth on my legs than I used to, but my mother says that is the Cherokee in our blood.


Could this be a vein problem that is serious and should I follow up?

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Hope some of this helps. I get most of my supplements from vitacost.com or amazon. Both have very helpful reviews and great prices. Give them time to take full effect and be patient. :grouphug:


Horse Chestnut

300 mg twice daily – be sure the herb is standardized to contain 50 mg escin per dose.

You can also apply a salve with 0.5-1.5% escin topically.

Horse Chestnut seals leaking capillaries and improves the elasticity of veins.


Gotu Kola tones the vascular system and improves circulation. Look for an extract that provides a daily dosage of 30-60 mg triterpenic acids.

Gotu Kola has reduced cellulite in 80% of the people who tested it.

The participants took a gotu kola extract containing 30 mg of triterpenes three times a day.


Both of the above have been used successfully for varicose veins as well as for cellulite.


Butcher’s Broom contains anti-inflammatory and vessel-constricting compounds.

Use an extract standardized to contain up to 11% ruscogenin at a dosage of 100 mg 3 times a day.



  • Exercise regularly - key for varicose veins!
  • Maintain a healthy weight - another key factor - not easy or fun, I know.
  • Excess salt can cause swelling
  • Try sticking to a low-sodium, high-fiber diet - fiber, fiber, fiber!
  • Avoid crossing your legs, which puts pressure on veins


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Thanks for the information. I'm wondering about the vessel constricting aspect. Is vessels being too wide open the problem? The vessels I see more than I used to do seem larger, but I didn't know if it was just my skin starting to thin. My mother told me that my great-grandmother (who had varicose veins pretty badly) had veins visable all over her body. She lived to be almost 98, so I guess bad veins didn't kill her, but she did have one stroke in her lifetime, but recovered.


Someone told me that cayenne pepper improves circulation, too. Do you know if that's true?

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Everyone on my mom's side of the family has varicose veins..even my brother.


Mine got to the point that at 30yo my legs would ache. Under my knee on the front part of my leg looked permanently bruised and I had purple ropes down my calf. My problems were only on my right leg...my left was completely normal. I had one area that hurt constantly on the inside of my right leg, about 6 inches above my knee. There was no bad vein visible, just clear skin.


I had a consult with a surgeon. He did an ultra sound of my veins and could point out the painful spots just by looking at the results. Even the ones that didn't have an obvious vein to look at. The spot that was painful above my knee showed a Huge bulge in the vein.


I had my veins stripped from my groin to my ankle. The recovery was easy (my kids were old enough to take care of their own basic care) and I have only the tiniest of scars (8-12 I don't remember and can't see most of them now 5 years later). There was a certain amount of time that I had to stay off my feet but it was doable.


I have never regretted it.....not for one minute. The pain is gone, the permanent bruises are gone, the ugly ropes are gone.


The doctor said the veins can grow back so some people have to have the procedure again in the future. So far, so good. I can see veins have grown back under the area (I am very light complected) and they have a slight bulge to them, but they aren't problematic at this point.



If you are diagnosed with varicose veins, check out the surgeon and his handiwork first. I know someone who had her legs done at the same time I did and she has much more noticeable scars. Her incisions were much larger and just didn't heal as nicely as mine. I know some of that is the person's own ability to heal but the cutting and stitching is an art also. She also didn't stay off her feet like you are supposed to so maybe the increased friction on the wounds played a part. But, even so, that doesn't change the length of the incisions and hers were twice the length of mine.


At first my insuance company didn't want to cover it. They said it was cosmetic. But, once my doctor told them that the pain was severe enough to wake me in the middle of the night and that I was going to have to take pain meds to deal with it...they relented and paid for it.

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It all seems better if I am wearing trouser socks, though. I wear them often with dress pants and noticed at church and other places.


Is this acting like a compression stocking? Obviously they are not nearly as tight as that. My calves are big (IMO), so they fit tighter there than the lower leg.




Yes, some people just wear pantyhose to get this effect on their entire leg. It doesn't take a lot of compression for some people, just a bit can make a big difference.

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Thanks for the responses. My legs feel so much better when I'm wearing the trouser socks. I know I can't wear them this summer, though. I'm a little overweight and not active enough.


I'm going to try to eat more fiber, lose weight, exercise more, and see what happens.


We go to Disney in 2 weeks, so I'm concerned about all the walking and standing in line. I don't want to be in pain the whole time. Any quick fix suggestions for that?

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I have veins that like to act up. It's from sitting for too long and dietary choices.


I do sit a lot doing school and I like to be on the computer. I didn't realize that sitting could be a problem. I'm trying to get up more often, put up my legs, change position, pump my feet, etc.


What dietary choices are you referring to, certain foods, or just not eating healthy enough?

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Fats and cholesterol. I would take vascular sensitivity seriously just to be on the safe side. Keep the veins free of food clogging issues. I think Disney World will be a good workout. Just take a little advil before you go.


Thanks. I don't eat a lot of cholesterol, but I do eat a lot of nuts and peanut butter (my weakness!!). I used to eat some cheese, but I've gone off dairy to help my sinuses.

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Someone told me that cayenne pepper improves circulation, too. Do you know if that's true?

I have heard that this is true.


Also, if you're looking to improve circulation, which we should all be thinking of :), daily dry body brushing before showering or exercising (whichever comes first), rebounding/bouncing on a trampoline, and massage are all important. When dry body brushing around the veins, be gentle, which I'm sure you know.


Other tips - in a more organized form, since I just read up on this. My Dad has suffered from them.


Varicose Veins are veins that are widened, distended, and, in some cases, twisted. More common symptoms include dull nagging aches and pains and a feeling of heaviness in the legs.



Consume a diet that’s high in fiber.

Try sticking to a low-sodium, high-fiber diet


Eat more ginger, garlic, and onions. These foods help to break down the fibrin surrounding the varicose vein. People with varicose veins have a decreased ability to break down this substance. Garlic and onions have an anti-clotting factor.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting properties.


Bromelain (found naturally in pineapples) aids in activating a factor that promotes the breakdown of fibrin. Bromelain also prevents the formation of blood clots.


Dark-colored berries (cherries, blackberries, and blueberries) contain anthocyanins and proanthocyandins which may help to strengthen the venous wall and increase the muscular tone of the vein.


Cantaloupe is a source of beta-carotene (healing properties) and has an anti-clotting factor.


Kale, parsley and collard greens are rich in beta-carotene, a healing nutrient.



Excess salt can cause swelling


SUPPLEMENTS - Nature's Way is a good brand, as well as many others. Look for supplements with short ingredient lists. I like vitacost and amazon for their reviews and prices.

Horse Chestnut

300 mg twice daily – be sure the herb is standardized to contain 50 mg escin per dose.

Horse Chestnut Extract – you can take horse chestnut extract containing 10-20 mg of escin three times a day, or apply a salve with 0.5-1.5% escin topically.

Horse Chestnut seals leaking capillaries and improves the elasticity of veins.


Gotu Kola tones the vascular system and improves circulation. Look for an extract that provides a daily dosage of 30-60 mg triterpenic acids.

Gotu Kola has reduced cellulite in 80% of the people who tested it.

The participants took a gotu kola extract containing 30 mg of triterpenes three times a day.


Both of the above have been used successfully for varicose veins as well as for cellulite.


Butcher’s Broom contains anti-inflammatory and vessel-constricting compounds.

Use an extract standardized to contain up to 11% ruscogenin at a dosage of 100 mg 3 times a day.


Bromelain supplements if pineapples are not a possibility -aids in activating a factor that promotes the breakdown of fibrin. Bromelain also prevents the formation of blood clots.


Vitamin E is a healing nutrient. Only take d-alpha, not dl-alpha (the synthetic form).


Zinc is another healing nutrient.



Exercise regularly

Maintain a healthy weight - these 2 factors are absolute key.

Avoid crossing your legs, which puts pressure on veins

Avoid standing in one place too long.

Wear support stockings if you need to.

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