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funeral question #2

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At my mom's funeral this past week, for the most part people were wonderful.


Yet I was under the impression that the food and drinks in the F.H. kitchen designated for my family were for MY family. Oddly there were some people there who didn't quite get that memo. I'm not offended, I just simply think that it was a bit tacky to eat ALL THE HERSEY'S BLISS, and not one member of my family got any!!!!:glare: Seriously, I can laugh about it...


Honestly, I think those people have NEVER been at a funeral home for over 8 hours for a viewing or they never would have done such a thing.


That was one of the most grueling days of my life.

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For crying out loud, that was tacky.


We have a group at church that cooks the funeral dinners whether the dinner is at the church or not. For my mom's funeral the ladies delivered the food to my house - where we had the dinner. I really appreciate the work they do. There's so much to deal with, and the last thing I wanted to think about was food.

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My husband's family has had so many funerals at the same place that they set up the food for the family in the basement for the same reason. It sounds gross but it's a nice lounge type area. So yes, people are super tacky everywhere.

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