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Got any HS family traditions/rituals??


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Any fun things you do at the start of the year, school year, week, or day?


Have you named your homeschool? Do you do a special craft project? Banners? Coookies? Songs? Do you have a teacher-student meeting? :D


I'd love to hear about any special little activities you do with your family to mark the start of HSing or the year (that I can swipe for my own family) !!!



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In the first week dd is allowed to paint hands and feet to stamp them on paper. Afterthat we measure hands, feet and total length and weigh her. Then we calculate how much she growed.


It was one of the first exercises we did in our first 'full' homeschoolyear and we repeat it since then until now.


Oh! I like that! I will have to remember that! It would be nice to add a photo on there too! :001_smile:


We take birthdays off.


We start our day with each child getting to chose a Schoolhouse Rock to watch. This gathers them together fairly well!


Also, Fridays are reserved for more "fun" things such as field trips, videos, art/music, history projects and science projects if we didn't get to them or if they are bigger in nature.

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The day after Labor Day, when the outschools here all start back, our homeschool group has a beach party.


We do year-round school, so there isn't really a "first day" for us, but when the kids finish a workbook or level of something they get to choose a prize from my "trinket box" - little gumball-machine-type prizes, cool little notebooks, sometimes a card game, I try to keep a variety in there.


Something new we're trying this week: we were just off for two weeks for Christmas, and I didn't want to get right back into things, so we're having a game week. I put all of our educational games in a big box, and will put it on the table tomorrow, and we'll play a few each day. This will be a nice review too, because some of them haven't been out since we finished studying their topic (like SomeBody and Solar System Spin).

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:bigear: I hope to hear more good ideas.


We're newbies, but we did start some traditions this year. Can they be traditions, when you've only done them once? :lol:


Anyway, we snapped photos of us on the "first day" of school. I put that photo on the cover of my planner, to remind me all year of how little they are at the beginning of Kindergarten.


Now, at the end of the year, we'll take pictures again. I'd like an "official" picture, because my mom bought one of those "School Through the Years" frames with the little windows for each grade. We have one picture to put in it now. :D


We also celebrated 100th Day, complete with a party and inviting the grandparents to come and see what we do all day. That was a good memory.


We play games for math and spelling on Fridays.

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We don't do school on birthdays – the kids' OR mine. This past year, we had season passes for the local water park (a critical mass of the kids was finally old enough I felt it was worth it) and our new tradition is definitely going to be going to the water park on the day that our county starts back to school. It happened to fall on elder dd's birthday this past year but I think we're going to keep doing it.


Ds & little dd are both far too young, but elder dd and I try to go out & discuss schoolwork at least twice a year - usually we go to Starbucks one evening and have a girls' night out. :) I have a few specific questions I ask her (what subjects she likes best/least, what curricula she likes best/least and why) and then let her just tell me all manner of things - some school-related, some not.

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I always buy homeschool T-shirts for my boys and give them out on the first day of school. They wear the shirts anytime we go on a field trip or homeschool outing. It is easy to keep track of them because the shirts all match. I have been doing this for three years now and they would be so disappointed if they didn't get one. This year I even purchased matching hats for the two older boys. It was a huge hit. I always order the shirts when they run the big sale on Great Homeschool T-shirts website. :001_smile:

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