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Doctors? Wives of Dr's? Nurses? I have a question

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Zach, my oldest, fell at youth group about 2 weeks ago. He said he tripped, twisted his knee and fell. He felt a sharp pain in his knee and had trouble walking right away. After a few minutes though, he shook it off. It was slightly swollen, but nothing major. The next morning, he couldn't walk on it. As the day progressed, though, he worked it out and was able to play. It did that for about 3 days. Since that time he's had a few moments when he has been playing and turned it 'wrong' and complained of pain. A few times, it's been bad enough to sit him down. Well, today he was sitting on the couch and I came in to sit down. Don't know how it happened, but I ended up sitting on that knee. He immediately started yelling and almost passed out. He was trying not to cry and hollering "It's broken! My knee!" After about 30 minutes, it still has a dull pain while stationary, but any time he tries to move it or walk, he's in a LOT of pain. I have it propped up and am icing it. I really don't want to take him to the ER for something that's no big deal....so can I wait until Monday? See how it is over night and then take him in tomorrow if he's not better? Can kids tear ligaments? I should mention, this is the knee he hurt on our trampoline about 18 months ago. He hyper extended it. What should I do? What do you think could be wrong? If I did take him to the ER tonight and they figured out something is torn, realistically, what would they do for him before Monday anyway? Thanks for letting me ask!

Edited by MyBlueLobsters
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Having experienced 5 years of near daily knee pain, I'd have it looked at by a doctor. There were many days where I could not walk up and down stairs properly, bend down, or sit with it bent. Even now, it will still bother me on occasion. I wouldn't mess with knees. They are important.

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If you take him to the ER they will most likely do x-rays to rule out a fracture then refer you to an orthopedic on Monday. The x-ray will not rule out soft tissue injuries so any dx of that type would wait until you see the ortho. anyway. If he can tolerate anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen, I would give him some of that to help with pain and swelling and try to get him in first thing on Monday. BTW, I am a former athletic trainer.

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If you take him to the ER they will most likely do x-rays to rule out a fracture then refer you to an orthopedic on Monday. The x-ray will not rule out soft tissue injuries so any dx of that type would wait until you see the ortho. anyway. If he can tolerate anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen, I would give him some of that to help with pain and swelling and try to get him in first thing on Monday. BTW, I am a former athletic trainer.


I agree. Not a doc or nurse but have been walking this road with dd13. They can do an xray but will probably need an MRI, too, and will refer you to an orthopedic specialist. Ice, ice, ice and ibuprofen until Monday and have him stay off it (got any crutches in the house?). In the meantime, if you need a referral to get in to an ortho, go ahead and see if there's anyone answering the phone at your primary doc's office so you can maybe get those wheels in motion.

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