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Well, I guess we've passed on our sensibilities to ds

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Ds15 just got back from a week in Edmonton with 51 other students and adults. He told me that several times while they were away he "flipped out" on the other kids he shared a room with (all friends) because they were being too loud and crazy. He said he realized later that the hotels had placed them so they were away from other people and it probably wasn't as big a deal as he thought, but he felt compelled to do something, I guess.


Poor kid. As the oldest he takes on the role of surrogate parent a little too much, I think. He had a lot of fun but that part stressed him out....


I told him he was going to find out that he's been raised more strictly than most of the population and he's just going to have to find a balance. Sometimes it will be a good thing, other times it won't be such a positive thing.


How do your kids navigate among rowdier kids?

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DD is one of those 7-going-on-27 kids. If the group of kids she is with is getting too rowdy, or into mischief, she gets bossy, and tries to set things straight. If they ignore her, she shrugs her shoulders and finds someone else to play with. I guess it's not worth the hassle to her!


I totally understand what you said about having to deal with being raised more strictly. Manners and courtesy are of great importance in our household. DD understands that not everyone is raised with that perspective, and often sends me knowing looks when we witness undisciplined kids acting up!


It sounds to me like you're doing something right, if he has shown such a strong desire to be courteous to others.



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My son experienced this last year at his first sleepaway camp. He stayed in the campus dorm for a week (but was really only 5 minutes away from home!) and when we picked him up, he was soooo happy to have the back seat of the truck to himself and to not have to listen to a dozen 12 year olds talk all. the. time. Kids were throwing pennies out the 10-story window and buying shot glasses in the campus bookstore so they could stay up all night and play drinking games with the energy drinks. (Where do 12 year olds learn drinking games?!?)


He didn't "flip out," because he's too introverted to make the effort, but he was clearly stressed at having been outnumbered like that.:001_smile:

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