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Did anyone see Fareed Zakaria's interview yesterday with Bill Maher?

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I just watched a video of it from MoxNews. It's about 13 minutes, and really funny. I accessed it over on Democratic Underground, if you want to see it.:)

Thanks. I just tried You Tube while you were posting. I'll do a search on Democratic Underground, which, believe it or not, I've never heard of. I've been more of huffington post, bbc, cnn, and digg kind of person ... Is Mox News something that makes fun of Fox News? ;)

Funny is always nice and necessary :D. Thanks for sharing. Off to watch while drinking my green tea. :)

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I haven't seen the interview yet, but I love Zakaria!


For several years, he was the international editor of Newsweek. I always enjoyed the insight of his articles.


I was saddened when I read a note in Newsweek (after an article of his) that stated that this was his last article for Newsweek.


Thanks for posting about the interview!

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My pleasure! And if you really want a laugh, look at Andy Borowitz's column over on HuffPo today. Man, I burst out laughing! And then I went to look at his website. I can't believe I never heard about this guy before! Apparently he's a famous comedian out of New York?


And Negin -- I didn't think about Mox being some sort of spin on Fox, but maybe it is. Pretty funny! And I'm sorry you couldn't access the interview. What a great one. Maybe there is a transcript somewhere . . .

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My pleasure! And if you really want a laugh, look at Andy Borowitz's column over on HuffPo today. Man, I burst out laughing! And then I went to look at his website. I can't believe I never heard about this guy before! Apparently he's a famous comedian out of New York?

And Negin -- I didn't think about Mox being some sort of spin on Fox, but maybe it is. Pretty funny! And I'm sorry you couldn't access the interview. What a great one. Maybe there is a transcript somewhere . . .

Yes, I often read and enjoy Andy Borowitz on Huff Post. :D

There are so many bloggers there that do a fabulous job.

I'll find the interview eventually. I think that sooner or later, it should make it to You Tube or something. My dh was sorry that he missed it. We're both going to look for it, however.

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It's all perspective, isn't it?


I've not been able to watch the entire clip, yet, but this cracked me up:


Bill: "The Republicans are much better at sticking by what they believe."



As a staunch conservative, I couldn't disagree more! And all these years I've been saying the exact same thing about the Democrats! LOL


However, I do need to watch the rest of the clip.

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It's all perspective, isn't it?


I've not been able to watch the entire clip, yet, but this cracked me up:


Bill: "The Republicans are much better at sticking by what they believe."



As a staunch conservative, I couldn't disagree more! And all these years I've been saying the exact same thing about the Democrats! LOL


However, I do need to watch the rest of the clip.


What have the Democrats stuck to, Aggie? I really can't think of anything they've delivered on that actually matches their campaign promises.


And here's a question for you: Will the Repubs cut the debt and deficit? They've been talking so much about it, that I automatically expected they would do it. But now I've been reading that many people don't actually think they will. What do you think?

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