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Needing TSA information-story about little girl

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My sister is doing a presentation for a college class and has decided to do it on the TSA. I had told of a story I head on here about a 24 month old being inappropriately searched and she has asked me for the article. I was under the impression that it was on the radio. I have looked through probably 50 pages of posts on the TSA, but cannot find that particular piece of information. Was there a news story done about it? Also, if you have any other pertinent information or ideas, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

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Was there a news story done about it? Also, if you have any other pertinent information or ideas, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.


There's the lady who showed up in a wheelchair in her bikini so she wouldn't be inappropriately groped. According to her, she had been before.


And the mother who tried to bring back breast milk and was put in a glass cage for an hour to *make her an example.* I saw the video and she did not appear to be unreasonable or rowdy. TSA later apologized to her (she's a lawyer) since she was legally allowed to not have the breast milk x-rayed.

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Someone also mentioned on one of the other threads about a radio call in show where a mom called in and said TSA removed her daughter's diaper and searched her labia with an ungloved finger.


Yes, joannqn, that was the one I remembered. I knew there were several stories that went with it as well. I was hoping that maybe there was some sort of news story about it as I don't know if she could use that, but I guess I'll let her decide that.


Thank you so much. I just couldn't find it for anything.


Thank you for the other replies as well. It really helps. There are so many stories that I keep finding.

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