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My dog ate cooked turkey bones

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My teen is in charge of garbage and left the bag w the turkey carcass out where the dog could get it in the garage. The dog has probably been eating bones for a few days, there were little splinters everywhere. :glare:


What can I do to try to minimize damage to the dog? I was reading to overfeed him so he'd move it all out. Teen is in charge of standing outside w the dog everytime he wants to go potty now, to monitor if he's pooping and if it's bloody.


Any other tips?

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Won't the bones get digested via stomach acid?


I was always told that splintered fowl bones were more of a choking hazard than a digestive issue.


I was reading that cooked bones can splinter and get caught in the digestive tract, raw bones are fine.


But I hope it works out like you say, or Christmas money will be spent on the dog's surgery. Hoping the bones just move on out with no issues.

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Call your vet for the best advice based on your dog's breed.

FWIW, our large dogs have all gotten cooked chicken or turkey bones at one point and it's never been a problem. The first time, my roommate's uncle who was visiting fed her a whole plate of his chicken bones. I about died. (Roommate was apologetic but said that his family fed that kind of stuff to their dogs all the time.) I called the vet and she said while it was possible that they would splinter and cause damage, it was unlikely. I forget if she said to do anything special.

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Be cautious of overfeeding because that can contribute to canine bloat (a serious condition). One of my dogs did this and the vet couldn't do anything except tell me to keep a close eye on her for a few days to make sure everything was coming out ok.


Thanks, I'll be careful about how much he gets. I gave him white rice w beef broth because I read rice is easy to digest.


Call your vet for the best advice based on your dog's breed.

FWIW, our large dogs have all gotten cooked chicken or turkey bones at one point and it's never been a problem. The first time, my roommate's uncle who was visiting fed her a whole plate of his chicken bones. I about died. (Roommate was apologetic but said that his family fed that kind of stuff to their dogs all the time.) I called the vet and she said while it was possible that they would splinter and cause damage, it was unlikely. I forget if she said to do anything special.


My dog is 15 lbs and is a chi mix. That's good to hear!

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I would watch your dog carefully.


The first dog I ever got on my own (new apartment, new dog) was like a hoover vacuum. He got into the kitchen garbage and ate chicken bones. Days later he was at the vets office seriously ill. He had some kind of blockage from the bones. All I remember is calling my parents for money to pay the vet bill. :001_smile:


After that I had to put child proof locks on the doors so houdini dog could not open them.

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I would call your vet for advice on 1) what to do now & 2) what warning signs to watch for.


If she ate a lot, I'd confine her away from carpets until she is well (at least 12 hrs from now) in case she gets explosively sick.


Your dog might be just fine; might get vomiting/diarhea sick; could even die. If you are really worried, take her in to the vet. If you're OK taking your chances, then at least call for advice.

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