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WWYD? a question regarding iron/hematologist appt. Dr Hive?

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I have iron def. anemia. When I was first diagnosed, my ferritin level was an 8, serum iron at 65, hemoglobin low at 11.5, hematocrit was 34.5, and saturation rate was only 15%.


I was asymptomatic. I didn't feel tired at all. My hair was falling out, but I had chocked that up to getting older:glare:


I was told my by heme that the quickest way to get those levels up was to get IV Iron. So I agreed. The fist dose made me so violently ill. So they pre-medicated me the second time. And although I didn't get sick the second time. I wasn't even down the hall in the hospital my BP dropped so low I passed out. I was very scared.


Since then, had my levels checked after IV infusion. All my levels improved. Especially my ferritin which was at a 52. This was in September.


He thought I should have another Iron Infusion, stating that he would change the brand, and drip it more slowly, and have a smaller dose. I refused at that time because I had not even tried Iron pills, or any other regime.


So he agreed, and told me to take 2 Vitron-C pills a day, which has 65mg of elemental iron in it.


On my own, I am also taking 10ml of Floradix twice a day.And 2 TBSP of Blackstrap Molasses.


Now the time of truth is near. Wednesday I go for bloodwork, and meet with the Hematologist on Monday.


I am very nervous that my levels have dropped. And again, I feel fine. Just like before I was diagnosed.


I am really not digging that IV Iron stuff. After the last two nightmare times, even with him promising to change things around, still makes me very concerned.


If you were feeling fine, and your levels dropped again, would you chance it and go with the IV infusion?


Or see if you could up your Iron pills/floradix and look into other options for bringing up your levels?


My iron problem is linked to my periods. I have been offered the Mirena IUD but have refused it. Cannot take BCP. And I do not want an endo ablation. I just want nature to take its course there.


What says the hive?

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If your levels have dropped, you must do whatever it takes to get them back up. Bring the bottle of Floradix and the pills he told you to take--bring those physically into the office so he can calculate accurately how much iron you need. You have probably been living with symptoms for so long that it feels "normal" to you. The health effects of anemia are significant, though, so you do need to address this and do what it takes to maintain normal iron levels. It will probably take time, and I would guess you may need to take a maintenance dose of iron permanently.


As for nature taking its course . . . Believe me, I am one for keeping things natural and not interfering unless there is a REASON to interfere. If your body is malfunctioning in some way, that is a reason to interfere. Have you considered trying a natural estrogen cream or some such to help with your menstrual problems?

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If your levels have dropped, you must do whatever it takes to get them back up. Bring the bottle of Floradix and the pills he told you to take--bring those physically into the office so he can calculate accurately how much iron you need. You have probably been living with symptoms for so long that it feels "normal" to you. The health effects of anemia are significant, though, so you do need to address this and do what it takes to maintain normal iron levels. It will probably take time, and I would guess you may need to take a maintenance dose of iron permanently.


As for nature taking its course . . . Believe me, I am one for keeping things natural and not interfering unless there is a REASON to interfere. If your body is malfunctioning in some way, that is a reason to interfere. Have you considered trying a natural estrogen cream or some such to help with your menstrual problems?


He is the one who told me to take the 2 pills of Vitron-C a day. So he knows about that. I also showed him the Floradix, and he said "You can take that on top of the Vitron-C, not sure how much it will help though".


I am looking into things now about my periods. I am hesitant about natural progesterone creams. But I heard, and read on here about Chaste Berry.


What exactly are the significant health effects of anemia anyways? And he said the same thing, that I have had this for so long that my body just adjusted to it. I still feel fine, and feel the same way I did before. Even with my ferritin levels up from 8 to 52.


My fear is this whole IV thing again. It really scared the you know whats out of me the last time. I really thought I was dead:confused:

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I don't know what to tell you about the iron. I would shy away from the IV infusion too, I'm sure, if I had had that kind of reaction. How awful!


May I ask what you mean by letting nature take its course? I guess I'm confused about why you wouldn't want any intervention if your periods are causing you to lose so much blood that you need iron infusions.


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my ferritin was 5 about 2 months ago ish. I was feeling dreadful, really really tired with lots of other symptoms, I have found spa tone has worked best. I was taking 6 sachets a day. Now reduced it to 4.


Trying to get another appointment with my doctor to get the results of my most recent tests and guidance on what I should be taking but finding it impossible to get an appointment at the moment. the surgery merged with another one and suddenly there are not enough doctors to go round. Looking for a new doctor.


I definitely recommend spa tone.

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I don't think you can get spatone here in the US any longer?


And as far as nature taking it's course, I mean I would rather have to deal with the iron issues, then intervene with the female issues of premenopause. I am not a heavy bleeder. But bleed longer and closer together. I am not interested in the Mirena or any surgical procedures because as of now, it is a hormonal thing, and every woman goes through perimenopause. Unless it gets to the point where the bleeding interferes with my life, I would rather look into the natural options then any surgical or synthetic hormones. Millions of women go through menopause, this is how God made us. I think synthetics and surgeries only cause more issues down the road. I have already had every test under the sun for any GYN problems, and have none.


Yes, it is scary to have the iron IV. For me anyways, since I didn't do well on the last two.


The good thing, is that I feel fine, and have tons of energy. I always did, even when my ferritin was down to 8. I can stay up until 2-3 am and get up at 9 or 10 and go all day again.


I just had my bloodwork done and will have the CBC plus diffs results this afternoon.


The other ones(ferritin, sat rate, serum iron and TIBC) not until tomorrow.


Praying they are good.

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Idk. But you have my sympathy. I've had iron def anemia my entire life and there's not an apparent reason. Tho of course it drops even more after a baby is born.


I'd be very leery of an iv infusion too as I can't even handle the pills or liquids. They all make me terribly ill, nausea, puking, guts turning inside out cramps.

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I don't think you can get spatone here in the US any longer?


And as far as nature taking it's course, I mean I would rather have to deal with the iron issues, then intervene with the female issues of premenopause. I am not a heavy bleeder. But bleed longer and closer together. I am not interested in the Mirena or any surgical procedures because as of now, it is a hormonal thing, and every woman goes through perimenopause. Unless it gets to the point where the bleeding interferes with my life, I would rather look into the natural options then any surgical or synthetic hormones. Millions of women go through menopause, this is how God made us. I think synthetics and surgeries only cause more issues down the road. I have already had every test under the sun for any GYN problems, and have none.

Yes, it is scary to have the iron IV. For me anyways, since I didn't do well on the last two.


The good thing, is that I feel fine, and have tons of energy. I always did, even when my ferritin was down to 8. I can stay up until 2-3 am and get up at 9 or 10 and go all day again.


I just had my bloodwork done and will have the CBC plus diffs results this afternoon.


The other ones(ferritin, sat rate, serum iron and TIBC) not until tomorrow.


Praying they are good.


Oh okay, I see what you are saying. I'm glad you had gyn problems ruled out. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this. :grouphug: Keep us updated on the bloodwork. Praying for you!

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Oh okay, I see what you are saying. I'm glad you had gyn problems ruled out. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this. :grouphug: Keep us updated on the bloodwork. Praying for you!


I had an internal ultrasound, pap, and an endo biopsy and everything was clear. Not even a polyp/cyst/fibroid to be found. If I ever had any cysts I didn't know about it. Never had any women problems up until last year at 42. :confused: Wish menopause would here already.:smash:


Thanks for the prayers:001_smile:

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He is the one who told me to take the 2 pills of Vitron-C a day. So he knows about that. I also showed him the Floradix, and he said "You can take that on top of the Vitron-C, not sure how much it will help though".


I am looking into things now about my periods. I am hesitant about natural progesterone creams. But I heard, and read on here about Chaste Berry.


What exactly are the significant health effects of anemia anyways? And he said the same thing, that I have had this for so long that my body just adjusted to it. I still feel fine, and feel the same way I did before. Even with my ferritin levels up from 8 to 52.


My fear is this whole IV thing again. It really scared the you know whats out of me the last time. I really thought I was dead:confused:


The reason I suggested bringing in all your supplements is because both my doctor, and my ds' hematologist, like to have it in front of them so that they can calculate the real amount of iron we are getting. They compare the amount of supplementation to the rate of improvement in our iron levels and use that information to determine how much iron we need to take either for improvement of iron levels or, in my case, to maintain iron levels that have finally improved.


I googled the health effects of anemia, and came up with this as the most concise explanation:


What will happen if my anemia goes untreated?


Some types of anemia may be life threatening if not diagnosed and treated. Too little oxygen in the body can damage organs. With anemia, the heart must work harder to make up for the lack of red blood cells or hemoglobin. This extra work can harm the heart and even lead to heart failure.


Found that here:




I found that same information in various explanations in various other places consistently as well. In addition, another source mentioned spleen enlargement, breathing issues, and immunity issues due to low oxygen and lack of iron reserves.


Bottom line--lack of oxygen throughout the body causes illness and organ dysfunction.


If your numbers are better but not great, I would think you could continue with aggressive supplementation and avoid the IV as long as there continues to be improvement. It can take 8-12 months on supplementation to raise your levels to "normal." After that point, you would back off of the supplementation slowly, continuing to do blood tests every six months, to determine an appropriate maintenance dose.

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Thank you for the link to Spatone.


Oh, and I read up on that same link about anemia. YIKES.


I did get my bloodwork results back yesterday, some of them. And I will post on a different thread about that. I am awaiting my ferritin/TIBC/and Sat rate now. Should have those today.

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