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looking for a reading book list/program jplus read alouds

Alison in KY

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I am looking for something that has a schedule with books organized in increasing difficulty. I've used and really love the way sonlight has their readers, and I might stick with it; but I was wondering if there was something out there I hadn't heard of. I'll be needing something around 3rd/4th grade reading level.


I would also love some great read-aloud packages..similiar to those sonlight offers but I'm always disappointed in several of sonlight's suggestions. No offense but books like Gladys Aylward being an early read aloud...like level 1, then the book references prostitution and her nearly getting attacked/raped. That is what I'm trying to avoid in a read aloud. I don't want to take the time to read ahead in the read alouds, and I also don't want my kids to hear about sex at this time...or people getting raped, heads cut off, etc (in the context of true life stories that is, such as some of sonlights missionary stories).


While I'm on the read aloud topic, I was wondering if someone could explain something about a Child's History of the World. I've heard wonderful things about this book for years...then I started reading it and was stumped by the forming of the Earth stuff...the beginning of our world and a little past that. So much so that I thought I might wait because I'd be diving into questions I really wasn't sure myself on how to answer. Even my husband said last night he'd never heard the theory that the Earth was created by the Sun. Anyway, that's a bit off topic, but if anyone can give me a non-technical non-offended light response, I'd be interested in hearing it.



Thank you.


Alison in KY

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Well, I'll bump this for you, too. If there is a reader program like this, I'd love to know as well. I've been looking for something similar. I agree with what you said about Sonlight. I like the idea, but sometimes their selections really make me wonder.


As for CHOW, we have read about half of it and I like it. My kids like it, too. We started with chapter 5, skipping all the prehistory stuff. We read it whenever we take a break from SOTW 1. Of course, it covers similar topics, but my kids seem to like the repetition and we enjoy the way Hillyer "talks" about history.




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I love this site! It has 1000 good books organized by reading level.


:iagree: I don't know if this helps but some times I go to my library and pull the public school's Accelerated Reader Program notebook. Inside it lists books with the grade level. I also have accessed the list via the local elementary PS's web site.

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I have used the book Books Children Love and Honey for a Child's Heart as references for age appropriate books. These books have organized book lists by age. They also give a short synopsis of each book so you can get a feel for it. I checked out Honey for a Child's Heart at my library, so you could check to see if your library carries either one of these.


I have used Sonlight in the past and have felt that some of the read alouds have introduced topics I didn't necessarily want to discuss with my kids either. But, I thought that in the IG it goes over this and will "warn" parents when these things come up.

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