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NOEO Chem I - Questions about TM and flow


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I've looked at NOEO for a while now. I am interested to learn about the tm and the flow of the program. Does the tm coordinate the reading material with experiments? like on day X we will read this book and then perform an experiment that will support and reinforce the material we read in the book? kwim? I can remember reading a long time ago that the tm was "just" a schedule. Can anyone who owns or has used this program please tell me more about it?


thanks bunches

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I've looked at NOEO for a while now. I am interested to learn about the tm and the flow of the program. Does the tm coordinate the reading material with experiments? like on day X we will read this book and then perform an experiment that will support and reinforce the material we read in the book? kwim? I can remember reading a long time ago that the tm was "just" a schedule. Can anyone who owns or has used this program please tell me more about it?


thanks bunches


We're doing it right mow and really like it. The experiments are coordinated with the reading. There aren't many at the beginning but it speeds up in the middle. The TM is mostly just a schedule, but it does have assignments for each day. Mostly they are "read the pages and notebook" but it also has you define important terms found in the reading. Because I'm using it with a 1st grader, I don't require him to write much. He mostly narrates to me and will draw a relavant picture. All of the experiments have been huge hits and have led my ds to declare science his favorite subject.

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We did Chem I last year--dc were 1st & 3rd g. The tm is primarily "just" a schedule. But if you have tried to do science the WTM way only to be frustrated w/ yourself & not get science done as often as you'd like, then you might understand that a schedule can be worth its weight in gold.


We had a blast w/ Chem I, & I think I learned at least as much as my kids did. I don't really like science, but it became one of my favorite subjects w/ NOEO. The experiments were SO good w/ chem--so easy, actually using stuff we had around the house or that *came* w/ the kit, but best of all? There were a LOT that were good for gifts--making marsmallows (ours were peppermint & shaped like tiny stars), making lotion, perfume (I think), vanilla, I forget what else.


I had a 1yo & 2yo at the time, & there were even experiments that they were able to enjoy--make your own finger paints, for ex. Oh, yeah, there was rock candy, & we made snowflakes from laundry detergent.


You can do most of this stuff for free, if you know what to search online. The library had most of the books used in the course, & we still bought the whole level. It was cheaper than buying used on Amazon (w/ the 10% discount they give you), & the quality of the information/presentation was stunning, imo. (I previewed everything from the library, because I balked at the price.)


But I'd spent several yrs trying to piece together science the WTM way, & I have come to the conclusion since then that I can either write curric/piece it together OR I can teach. I cannot do both at the same time, so that makes me incredibly grateful that someone else has taken the time to put together a science curric that is after my own heart instead of me being stuck w/ something too...cold, maybe? Institutional? I don't know, but I LOVE NOEO.


So far, Chem I is my favorite of what I've seen (Chem I, Bio I, Bio II, Phys I). I have only used a few weeks worth of Phys I, though, & I expect it to be as wonderful as Chem I. (Bio II seems a little dry to me--maybe because the kids are doing the reading w/out me this time? Maybe because there are fewer experiments? But we also moved in the middle of it & have been sick, so maybe I need to give it more time. Plus, Bio I & II together might be a little overkill. I recently got a copy of what's-her-name's Bio experiment book, though, & that looks like it will add a lot of fun to our science.)

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Thanks so much for responding. So, let me get this straight ... the tm coordinates the experiments (the kits and book?) to reinforce the book you have been reading? I am so not a schedule girl (Sonlight), but I like to read/do things orderly. So, usually I take the schedule and convert it into a master list. kwim?


thanks so much!

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I've looked at NOEO for a while now. I am interested to learn about the tm and the flow of the program. Does the tm coordinate the reading material with experiments? like on day X we will read this book and then perform an experiment that will support and reinforce the material we read in the book? kwim? I can remember reading a long time ago that the tm was "just" a schedule. Can anyone who owns or has used this program please tell me more about it?


thanks bunches


This is exactly what the TM does. It does not have any answers or extra information, so that is the reason it is considered "just" a schedule. It lays out a 4 day a week schedule of reading and experiments. We really liked it last year (used with a 3rd and 1st grader). In fact they were disappointed when we started physics this year, because it is totally different types of experiments (as in NOT chemistry).

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