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If you've lost quite a bit of weight...

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how did you decide when to stop? I've lost fifty pounds over the last year. It's been a slow, but steady, process. I've already hit my original goal, but as I neared it, I realized I wanted to lose a bit more. So, I've changed my goal a couple of times already.


I guess I'm not as concerned with the final number as I am how my clothes fit and my body looks overall. As I get closer to where I think I want to be, I'm wondering at what point I'll finally be able to say I'm done. I've lost enough.


Did you just finally know? Was it a number? Was it a certain size?


And then I guess I'm also wondering, how did you stop losing? It sounds dumb coming from someone who was a total overeater, but I don't eat much anymore. I told dh that I'm concerned I won't be able to eat enough to stop losing. I'm just so used to eating smaller amounts and usually only eat when I'm hungry. The idea of adding more food to my diet sounds awful. But, I know at some point I need to eat enough to maintain and stop losing.


How did you go from dieting to maintaining? I know eating a little extra everyday should do it, but I'm just not sure how much and what. As I said I have gotten so used to eating smaller amounts, I'm not sure that I want to eat more. I will have to, but what's the best way to start doing that?


Anyone go through something similar that can share how they dealt with these issues?



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Well, you could go by what your doctor says is a good, healthy weight for you.


You could look at the "healthy weight range" for your age/height/gender etc and get into that, stopping wherever you feel good, healthy, and comfortable- be that the higher end of the range, or the lower.


Or you could go by your BMI and stop when you're at a healthy/normal BMI.


Congrats on the 50 lbs, that's amazing! I'm at just about 22 lbs now and I still have a ways to go!

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if you were very overweight it can be really hard to know when to stop, IMO. my inital goal was to lose 20 pounds and i ended up losing 140, so sometimes your goal isn't as ambitious as it should be. i finally got down to a size 3/4 and i've stopped losing, but the ghost of my 270 pound self still haunts me. that's why i lift weights. it keeps me focused and feeling like i'm working toward a goal instead of letting myself slip back into old habits.



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… how did you stop losing? … I'm concerned I won't be able to eat enough to stop losing. I'm just so used to eating smaller amounts and usually only eat when I'm hungry. The idea of adding more food to my diet sounds awful. But, I know at some point I need to eat enough to maintain and stop losing.


How did you go from dieting to maintaining? … I have gotten so used to eating smaller amounts, I'm not sure that I want to eat more. I will have to, but what's the best way to start doing that?

:hurray: Way to go on your success!


When you decide what size / weight is your final weight (be sure to check with your doctor), you can start adding in higher calorie foods without adding in more foods, such as nuts, avocados, etc. - higher fat foods. You will probably want to make sure it is the healthy fats you are adding.


You can also track what and how much you are currently eating, figure out the calories, and then start adding 100-200 calories day. Continue to track and measure yourself. If you maintain after 1-2 weeks of the additional calories, you've got the right amount. If you lose weight , add more calories, keep tracking. If you gain weight, cut out some calories, keep tracking.


Best wishes.

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