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I dreamed about bedbugs

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I dreamed about bedbugs last night :confused:


I am going to be spending 2 weeks in hotels in December so my mind is running rampant with bedbug fears.


In my dream the bedbugs looked like fish in a fish bowl (did I mention I am afraid of fish also). So I decide (in my dream) to get a new bed. QVC just happened to be on the TV selling new mattresses. So I order one. Then I decide I can't order a bed off the tv. I have no idea how hard of soft it is. So I try to cancel but they keep making up excuses of why I can't cancel.


Luckily my son woke up and made noise and woke me ending my dream (aka nightmare).


I need to stop thinking about bedbugs!

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I did the same thing before our NYC trip last month.


I did a thorough check of the room and was a nazi about keeping things in the giant ziplocks and keeping the suitcase off the floor. I slept okay the first night. When we left our room the next day I made sure I put the "do not disturb" sign on the knob so we wouldn't have maids in the room switching out linens. I was looking forward to sleeping that second night knowing I'd done everything right! We walked in and the maids came in anyway. I was so mad however I was so tired I slept like a baby anyway!


Try not to worry about. Just check your room and maybe tell the desk that you don't want anyone in there.

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