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Questions about Time Travelers....


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I just heard about Time Travelers on another thread. OK.......where in the world have I been again that I am the last to ever hear about stuff:confused::confused::confused:


I think these look really neat, but it's hard for me to really understand what they are like from the website. It doesn't seem to really explain how you use them. This is a CD, right (or is it a download?)? Then you just print off what you want? How much printing is there?? Do you just read what the pages say and then do activities with the stuff you print off? As you can see....I'm a bit clueless on this program and would love to know more about it.

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I just ordered our first Time Travelers CD (Colonial Life) 2 weeks ago and spent last week doing my planning, printing and prep work.


You do get a CD to print from and boy oh boy is there A LOT of printing. Seriously. It took me two pretty full days to get it all done - including a trip to the store to buy way more cardstock and transparency film. That said, the printed product is absolutely beautiful and I cannot wait to see the finished results (their notebooks & lapbooks) - they'll be incredible, I'm sure. I've never seen another product come anywhere close to the quality of Time Travelers.


I should back up and say that the program is incredibly flexible. You can obviously print whatever you want and do the reading or skip the reading if you're using other books. Really, you can use it any way you choose. I plan on doing everything over roughly a 12 week period, hence the amount of printing I had to do. Already though, I'm so in love with the program that I've planned the rest of our American History around it, doing 2 CD's per year.

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I've used the Time Travelers:New World Explorers two different ways, exactly as given and bits and pieces to supplement. Both ways worked really well for the child I was using it with. I did not however just read the pages for the lesson. I used the info pages as a guide and grabbed books from the library to read about the given topics.

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I used the lapbook portion of the American Revolution with my 3rd and 5th graders. They enjoyed it, and the final product looks great, but it was a lot more work than I had imagined. I think unless they beg me to do another one I won't. If I was going to use this again, I would want to use it as my primary history program and then supplement with additional literature. I am a SL user though and don't see that changing any time soon, so it's a lot to add on to what we are already doing.


ETA: I think I could have made the whole thing easier on myself if I had done the booklets for the lapbooks as we had read the topics in SL. I didn't start TT until last spring though and I was thinking it would solidify what we had already learned. Because of that, I felt compelled to do all the reading they give you for each of the little booklets. If I hadn't had to do that on top of all the other reading we were doing, it might have been more manageable for me.



Edited by LisaTheresa
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Thank you everyone....and I'd love to hear more comments.


I'm wondering if you all can tell me what age or grade you had used Time Travelers for? I actually was thinking of my ds when looking at it.....but, I think he's too old for it (even though he hasn't had a lot of history so far). I'm wondering if there's almost too much stuff to do and he's older and should just get some basic history of that time period and move on (to cover more info quicker, if that makes sense). And....I think my youngest dd would be too young for it. Well, if this is the case...I guess I can keep it in mind for dd in a couple of years though.


It does sound really great though......although I worry about my poor little printer and how it would survive. :0)

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