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Italic Handwriting Programs


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After slogging through HWT yet again with no improvement, we need something different. Also, I am teaching 2 littles, as well, for the first time.


So what is out there for programs and resources?




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We use those GB books. They are great. I'm also using the Write Now book for myself. We haven't used them consistently so I can't speak for the effectiveness of them but they are pretty typical hwing books and well done. I also have Beautiful Handwriting for Children (Penny Gardner) and, while it is nicely done, it's not as convenient for young ones.

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I can't tell you how many assignments this particular (Just 12yr old) child has redone over the years....ARGG!


One would think there would be more variety for Italic like there is for other styles.


What do I need to buy for each level? I am looking at A and Write Now!.


Are the extra practice pages still available? Where can I find reliable fontware? (I had StartWrite. Never again.)

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Are the extra practice pages still available? Where can I find reliable fontware? (I had StartWrite. Never again.)


I use Educational Fontware for the GDI fonts. It works pretty well.

We started with Book A of GDI and are in Book D now - finally making some serious progress with cursive. I'm pleased with how it's working.


I just have the textbooks (and instructor's manual - for reference for me). If I want additional practice, I type up a page using the fontware program and Word.

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I hesitate to post this, but probably should. B has horrible handwriting. He started with G-B Italic, and I finally switched to HWOT when he was at the beginning of book D (having started with book A) and still had illegible handwriting. :glare: His writing is still atrocious, but I have upon occasion seen him write decently. I know that's not helpful, but Italic may not be the cure-all you're looking for. (Or maybe it will be, right?:D)

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