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Families, Christmas, dogs, and commitments

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I vote for kenneling your family since they cannot be respectful towards your husband. Then spend the day at home with your dog AND your DH. :)


That gave me a real good belly laugh! Wouldn't I just love to sometimes! :sneaky2:


I would love to answer quite a few of your posts in detail, but I think I'm going to create a new thread about this whole issue of my family seeking to control us, and where my loyalty should be. It's something I've struggled with for years; when something comes up, it drives my dh nuts (he's a live-in-the-present kind of guy so isn't apt to be bothered if everything is peaceful) and it's beginning to affect my dc. I hope you'll join me there - you've all been so helpful and I've already benefitted greatly from your insights and personal experiences.


As a final comment on this particular subject, dh and I have read through all your posts and we have decided that we should honor our commitment with my family to spend Christmas with them this year. We have already discussed some of the arrangements with them, so we will go (unless, of course, someone is really sick or the car breaks down.. you know). Whether or not we do it again is another question entirely. In any case, I am sincerely hoping that we are moved to Canada before another 2 years goes by, and then the situation arises not. Flights from there to here and back around holiday times are prohibitively expensive and of course there are six of us to be paying for.


I have found two possible kennels for our dog for Christmas and will be visiting them this week. One has a hydrotherapy facility which would be fantastic for her; she could have a few sessions in it while we are away. If neither of those comes good then I'll look for another. Something will work out. :001_smile:

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I have read all the replies, and I think your plan of action regarding the dog is great!!! ;)


I am going to tell you a story about my family. After 10 yrs of marriage, and dh's family treating me the way your family treats him...I told him I was "DONE."


I would no longer be spending time with his family, on the Holidays. I let dh decide (with no pressure from me) if he was going to go spend it with his family, or stay with me. What he didn't know was that I was prepared to leave him if had chosen them. It was important for me to "know" he chose to keep our family together on the Holidays.


This was after years of negoitiating, on and off Holidays...finally, I was simply done with it.


We're working through a similar situation, but I was not prepared to leave over it, just pretty much dying slowly inside while trying to keep it together for the kids. The toll on our marriage has been incredible and possibly irreversible, and I think my husband honestly doesn't get it.

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Family is more important that the dog. Sorry. I would find a reputable kennel and kennel her for a couple of days. She will survive fine, be well cared for and you get to keep your family commitments. Maybe while you visit them you can convince them of her wonderfulness!


This! Make the reservation now - they are probably already getting their lists full for the holidays.

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