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Mr. Thornton fans: What say you about this news?

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I *loved* Richard Armitage as Mr. Thornton. Guy of Gisbourne was a dirtier, meaner version of Thornton, so, still pretty good. And he was wonderful in Vicar of Dibley.


But this just seems wrong:

Richard Armitage - Dwarf king


How can he possibly pull off Thorin in The Hobbit - short, stocky, bearded, etc. I am just having the hardest time even imagining it!


It's raining here; I think I'll go watch North & South for the remainder of the day...

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It's really hard for me to picture him as a dwarf, but I'm really happy he's getting a large role in a major movie! Hopefully this will lead to more movies for him.


I'm also incredibly pleased to see Aidan Turner cast. I'm a huge fan of his portrayal of Mitchell, the vampire, on the BBC series Being Human.

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I do love the fact that he got a large part in such an enormous film - but I'm also having a lot of trouble visualizing him as a stocky, hairy dwarf. :confused: Now, if they'd cast him as an elf, maybe.... :svengo:


But a dwarf?? Will be interesting to see. Even his voice (being the melodic, smooth thing that it is...) just seems wrong for a dwarf! lol


SO excited that the movie is moving forward, though!!! Love, LOVE the actor they chose as Bilbo - he is PERFECT!!!!! I bet he already has the oversized, hairy hobbit feet built-in, he's so perfect for this role! :biggrinjester:

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