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How long does your 5th grader spend on Math Mammoth 5? How many pages?


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I'm curious how many pages your 5th grader is doing with Math Mammoth 5 per day and how long it takes to get it done. My son is spending 40 minutes per day and rarely gets 2 pages done.


There is just *so* much on each page! We will never finish the 5th grade level this year at this pace. He is understanding and testing well, we are just moving slowly. Have you skipped pages? Skipped problems?

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MM 5 takes ds about an hour, and I let him skip some problems if I see that he understands the concept. We used to do a topic per day, but that was taking so long if there were more than 2 pages. So now we just do 2 pages a day. We should be able to finish the curriculum, but we did start early (July). I don't want to give up on this curr. because it is taking a while, but we'll play it by ear. We did Chalkdust pre-alg. with my older son last year, and he stated that one should work on math at least 1 hour a day.


Good Luck.

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Same issue here! In fact I posted asking advice about this last spring, too.




We spend about an hour, and dd usually does about 2 pages. After that she's pretty burnt out on math. If I know she's got a concept down, I'll let her skip some problems. I think one thing that bogs her down is she is not automatic on her math facts, so we are drilling those as well.

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My son spent about an hour a day on MM5 and usually finished one lesson/topic per day. If it was a particularly difficult concept, or a 4-page lesson, I would spread it over two days. I generally made him do all the problems unless the lesson had an unusually large number of problems, in which case I might cross out some of the easier ones.


If you do 2 pages/day of MM4, 5, or 6, you shouldn't have any problem completing the grade level in one year (180 school days). It's less in the lower grades — about 1 page/day in 1st and 1.5 pages/day in 3rd.



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If you do 2 pages/day of MM4, 5, or 6, you shouldn't have any problem completing the grade level in one year (180 school days).


Just curious .....when you say "2 pages/day" are you talking about the front and back side of one page = 2 pages/day? Thanks for clarifying.

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