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Talk to me about Grammar for young elementary

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I know that WTM suggests RS for grammar. Ds is going to be 2nd grade and is just 6. He reads mid-3rd grade. I need to figure a grammar curriculum that doesn't require me to sit 100% of the time and direct him because I have 2 youngers to contend with and I am currently pushing it with the toddler with all the sitting with DS I am doing.

I want something thorough, hopefully with some exercises built in, and something that he can begin to learn from with some help from me but not necessarily directed by me.

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While I don't feel formal grammar is necessary at this age (we don't start formal grammar until 3rd), there are some good programs to choose from that would meet your needs. Obviously, there is FLL 1/2 which is done mostly orally so it would take about 10-15 min. of your time a few times each week. My ds's didn't like it...not auditory learners. There is R&S2 which is good. We went through some of this orally as well and did some written exercises. Again, I was pretty involved in the teaching. My recommendation would be Growing With Grammar. http://www.growingwithgrammar.com It is a workbook format (at least it is for older grade levels!) and I guess could be done somewhat independently. But, realize too, that at this age with any grammar program...you'll need to be fairly "present" for lessons.


I'm also going to recommend LLATL b/c we just started it and LOVE it! It's an all-in-one LA program complete with reading, spelling, grammar, copywork, phonics (for the lower levels), etc. The grammar is very light, esp. for the youngers. HTH

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I second the vote for CLE. My ds has used it this year for 2nd grade. I chose it for the very reasons you listed - I have a dd in K that is learning to read, and a very very active toddler. CLE introduces one concept a day, gives a couple of practice questions on that concept, then reviews many of the concepts from previous units, so I feel it is very thorough. It is written to the student and is very easy to use. My ds has learned a lot from it and actually enjoys it, which is saying a lot for my writing-phobic kid!

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I'd also suggest you look at GWG as Sue suggested. My dd started GWG 1/2 this year, she just turned 6, and it has been a really good fit. There is a lot of repetition, so, after the initial instruction of the concept introduced, she has been able to do a lot of the review pages with minimal input on my behalf. She loves being able to read and follow the directions independently. I also have a little one, so this has been helpful. We do a lesson everyday (we are on a four-day schedule). Next year I am adding some Shurley into the mix in addition to the 2nd grade portion of GWG. I want to introduce parsing sentences in preparation for Latin studies and as a way to put all the parts she has been learning together.

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I wanted to suggest the 2nd-3rd grade pink book in the Easy Grammar series. It can be done independently and everyday teaches/reviews capitalization, punctuation, a part of speech, sentence combining, among other things. We've used it alone, but this year we're using it alongside FLL. Great as a grammar intro for littler ones. Also, the best thing is...they can do it by themselves! :)

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Growing with Grammar! As others have pointed out, it is pretty independent for the most part. My older son is finishing 3rd grade and did GWG 4. My younger son will be starting 2nd grade this fall and he'll be doing GWG 3. They both did FLL 1/2 beforehand. I really like it.

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We are just finishing up R&S 2 with ds7 for 2nd grade. He did the first half of FLL last year orally only and the second half this year. I thought RS 2 was really easy, they do not get into diagramming until 3rd grade. I just finished RS 4 with dd9 and the program is extremely thorough. I am learning everything about parts of speech I should've learned thirty years ago!:glare::D

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Thank you for the suggestions. I will check them out. For those who think that 2nd grade is too young for grammar, why do you think this?


I don't necessarily think 2nd gr. is too young. Each dc is different. Some are ready for it, some aren't. For me, I just don't think that studying formal grammar is necessary. It's not that the child can't do it...just that it's not necessary. KWIM? I think spending the majority of time reading, doing copywork, moving to dictation, etc. provides an informal intro to correct grammar...even if they don't know that one word is a noun and the other a verb, etc. I liken it to a child learning to talk. If spoken to using rich vocabulary and NOT baby-talk, a child will just "pick up" good vocabulary and language, KWIM? Same w/ grammar at this age. It's sort of internalized. By the time you get to formal grammar (we start in 3rd), the child already has a great foundation b/c of the reading good books, copying good sentences and taking dictation from great literature or science or history, etc. I hope I'm making sense. I've found that even though my dc didn't do formal grammar until 3rd...they've caught on very quickly and breeze through it for the most part. JMHO. :)

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