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Do You Feng Shui?

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I tried it for a while and was really into it. Some of it's very hard to do considering where we live and lack of nice furniture, etc.

Other stuff is easier to do - switching around location of furniture, and so forth.

I wish I could keep this up. I wish I could have a Feng Shui expert come in and transform our home and classroom. :D

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I have been through stages of being right into it and probably naturally do parts of it nowadays- like not having my feet point towards the door in bed! I have always been colour sensitive. When I go through a Feng Shui stage, I usually declutter a lot. I like cleansing spaces and do that a lot with incense, essential oils, opening windows and doors, even sage smudge sticks.

Dh is very intuitive about things like that too and we do take it all into account. He loves "stuff" though so we have a bit of conflict over that.

Sometimes I go through the house with a map and check it all out and make sure we haven't got any major boo boos in place.

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I'm self teaching myself feng shui. So I know enough to ask questions and hope I'm not goofing up my world.

I want to create a more harmonious (less stress) home.

Does anyone use feng shui to arrange your homeschool or pick colors, etc?



I've read into, and tried to loosely implement, a kind of feng shui of food. Meals just seem so much more relaxing, satisfying, healthier, and tastier, if there is a balance of color and textrue. I really feel off kilter if a meal is obviously out of balance.


A simple guideline is to have something, black, white, red, green, and yellow at each meal. Those are loose categories. For example black could include: eggplant, beef, pepper, herbs, olives, mushrooms, or black beans.

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I had read a ton on Feng Shui and then it came down to taking what works and tossing the rest. We configure placement of furniture, colors, less clutter, only having things around that are positive producing...


Like Peela, we also don't have feet pointing to the door while lying in bed. Let the air in to circulate, essential oils, etc. We just do little things like that.


For colors, we choose what we like rather than what is auspicious. Oddly, we just like the color schemes that Feng Shui recommends.

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