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Cheese emergency. Can I fix this?

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I have several large containers of shredded cheese on hand. I'm making enchiladas and into my spinach/ bean mixture, I dumped a large container of what I thought was Monterey Jack. Judging by the big gloopy stringy mess, it was apparently provolone, not MJ.


Anything I can do to make this creamier? I added a container of sour cream and that helped a little, but it's still way too thick. I don't think we can eat this.

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I would start by slowly warming it up to see whether it thins just because of that. Both cheese and beans thin considerably with temperature.


If it's still really thick when it's hot, slowly add a little milk, stirring it really well so it doesn't get all lumpy. That should do it. You might need to add some more seasoning once the milk is in--milk is pretty bland. OTOH, provalone is much sharper in flavor than monterey jack, so taste first to see what it needs.

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:iagree: Can't you just call it a fusion dish? :D


[said realizing that her ignorance of Mexican food in general will show.]



I'm not so much worried about the taste. Maybe it's just me, but when cheese is too stringy, I gag and can't swallow it. I'm afraid that's what this is going to be like if I can't thin it out some.


I'm going to try some milk or cram and see what happens.

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I'm not so much worried about the taste. Maybe it's just me, but when cheese is too stringy, I gag and can't swallow it. I'm afraid that's what this is going to be like if I can't thin it out some.


I'm going to try some milk or cram and see what happens.


I don't know the answer to that. I hope it turns out ok. I hate it when I make mistakes like that.

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