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How has your husband's culture influenced you?


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Do you ever find yourself doing things a certain way, or thinking a certain way, and wonder if you were married to someone from your own culture, this might be different? How so? Do you ever have to explain why your culture sees things in a particular way to your dh? Does he do the same for you? Do you each feel enlightened by these exchanges? Or do you find yourselves arguing about which culture is right, lol?

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I think my dh's culture has influenced me and my parenting style. He is from Sri Lanka. I definitely love their food and I try to incorporate Sri Lankan and South Asian cultural elements into our home as much as I can. I think I am probably more demanding in terms of academics and I have a more strict view on dating as a result. My 14 dd yo in fact tells me that I am a pretty Asian parent for being white! I still am very Spanish in many ways, including lots of physical and verbal affection and my kids know that I am much happier when they use Spanish to communicate with me!

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What a great idea for a thread. (Funny, I was just talking to my husband about this, too.)


I enjoy my husband's cultural food, a LOT. I have definitely changed my style of eating. He has also adapted his so we meet somewhere in the middle.


I think I've also found certain aspects of family life in his culture much easier, even though more demanding, if that makes any sense. For example, I feel it's more psychologically honest -- people acknowledge that they need help, both old people and parents of young kids, instead of a huge emphasis on independence, which I find to be somewhat artificial.

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