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Looking for creative book report ideas for a 9 year old?

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There's actually two things I could use help with:


1) My 9 year old girl hardly EVER wants to read fiction! If she reads at all, she enjoys things like "The Care and Keeping of You," and she likes American Girl magazine a lot. But I really feel like she needs to read something with a PLOT and CHAPTERS and things, and it's like pulling teeth trying to a) Find a fiction book that interests her; and b) Getting her to FINISH it!


2) One thing I think she would enjoy would be a "book report" that's more of a craft. For example, I remember at that age making a diorama of Phantom Tollbooth for school (which I hated and was terrible at, but she would probably like.)

And I remember years ago seeing a site for a "Cereal box book report" where you cover a cereal box with construction paper and have it be a "cereal" about your book.


Any ideas/links/etc to help with one or both? Thanks!



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Oh, a diorama would be a cute idea!


This isn't a craft but maybe she would like writing a letter to a main character about his or her behavior or how he or she handled a situation?


Or drawing a comic/doing a storyboard kind of thing?


Or writing a new ending (or adding in a new chapter or adventure)


Or making her own little booklet about the book and illustrating it.


or painting a mural depicting one or more of her favorite scenes


Or making a poster "advertising" the book


Or pretending she is a news reporter on the scene describing a major event in the book and video tape it.

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Okay, I know it doesn't have a snazzy name, but it sounds like just what you are looking for. It's full of cool ideas of projects to do after reading a book. I let my kids pick out a project after reading a book.





I have a short review of it on my blog. http://missmoe-thesearethedaysofmylife.blogspot.com/2009/09/education-update-for-sept-21-25.html



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My 3rd Grader does something called the Book Report Sandwich.


You cut out shapes of 2 pieces bread, lettuce, tomato, mustard, cheese and turkey. These pieces need to be big enough to write a few sentences on. Here's what you write on each piece:


Bread: Title and Author

Lettuce: Summary

Tomato: Main Character

Mustard: Setting

Cheese: Climax

Turkey: Plot

Bread: Draw a picture of your favorite scene from the book


My daughter likes to do these.

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