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If I start my 8, 9, and 11th graders on R&S 5

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How many lessons/chapters should I expect them to go through in a day/week, etc...? In a previous thread it was recommended to start kids new to WTM at R&S 5. Obviously this should be fairly simple for them, and I would *think* they'd excel through more then one book a year. I could be wrong, and if I am not I am lamenting not buying ahead at the seconds sale :glare: LOL I am just trying to figure out a schedule for the book 5 I have now, and about how many books they should tackle in a year to try and get them up closer to their actual grade.


Thanks... and sorry for all the questions. Hopefully, eventually, I will have more to offer and less to ask all the time :blush:

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If I were to start 3 dc in those grades all with 5, I'd take that lesson by lesson. You may find you can skip some easy ones altogether, particularly with your older one. You may even have your eldest first do the chapter review, then go back and cover anything your 11th grader missed. We find that the first lesson or so in each chapter is easy, too. I'd also skip any unnecessary oral drills & review & practices. In addition, I'd have my dc work at their own paces coming to me only when they need help.


However, I'd start a 9th & 11th grader with R&S 6. Yes, it's quite a jump from 5, but if they've had grammar before I'd do that. I did start my eldest with 5 when she was in gr 7, though and although much of it was easy it was better than starting in gr 6 or 7. She moved though it fairly quickly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you're 11th and 9th graders have had any grammar before, I would strongly suggest getting them through R&S 6 and 7 before graduation. The two books provide a very solid and thorough grounding in grammar and writing for the high school student. If you can manage it, have them expand on the writing assignments by applying them across the curriculum each week.


My son did this combination for 10th and 11th grade and his ACT score for English was 34. He had not done any of the younger R&S books. Rod and Staff is quite advanced but worth the effort. Oh, did I mention, he went through the books on his own most of the time because doing it together was a battle for us. We are just too much alike.


I noticed that you listed "LDS homeschooling mother". So am I. We're in Utah homeschooling 5 sons. One is away serving a mission in Argentina. Ah, how time just flies by. We just watched our good friend head off to Lubbock, Texas, for his mission. He is so excited to come to your state. Hope all is well for you.




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